³⁴little, tiny, and bitty. the three horsemen.

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"Why does my nose look like that?" Wyatt asks, pointing at his portrait with a focused eye.

I narrow my eyes at his drawn nose. "Why's it like what?" I ask, knowing it'd irritate him since I'd drawn his nose a little more bumpy than how it actually is. "It's how your nose is,"

He shakes his head. "What? No, it's not. I have, like, one bump, not five," He gestures to the portrait and I shrug, snapping my sketchbook shut.

"The extra bumps are for how much I don't like you," I say nonchalantly, throwing my sketchbook on the couch and walking past him to make my way to the kitchen.

He feigns a hurt expression and puts a hand to his heart. "Oh, wow, honesty." He laughs, surprisingly taking my insult lightly, as most of Mara's men never do. "I respect that,"

He follows me into the kitchen and leans on the counter, watching me grab a juice box from inside and poke a hole with the straw, maintaining my eye contact with him.

"What is it about me that makes me so unlikeable to you, huh?" He asks, squinting as he watches me sip on my juice. "Do you usually not like the guys she likes?"

I scoff. An understatement, surely. "Yeah, because they're all trash,"

His brows raise, his mouth forming to an 'o'.

I nod. "But she knows I feel that way, she kinda agrees too. Plus, to be fair, she thinks my last boyfriend was trash too. We're both into trash," I innocently give a smile. "So here you are,"

He shakes his head, laughing it off casually.

I narrow my eyes at him, wondering why he's so cool about everything, even though I'm apparent that I'm not too open about him.

Since he drove me home from my hospital release, he offered to stay with me and keep me under extra "supervision", telling Mara he'd make sure I'd drink every hour and eat something every five hours just until she comes back home.

I initially protested against this, as I felt I didn't need a babysitter to hydrate and feed me, but Mara fired back with "You're so much like a baby that you forgot to drink and eat and is now in a hospital", of which I could not argue with.

Within the two extra days of my hospitalisation, Mara returned to work and Wyatt kept me company, even bringing my sketchbook in and asking me to draw him like one of my "french girls" - which I then took advantage of and gave him exaggerated features.

"Hey, what happened to you and that Luke guy?" Wyatt asks, going through the cupboards and bringing out a dusty bottle of wine that Mara and I intended to consume. "Oh, you have wine here!" He exclaims, glancing at me with a smile on him.

"We forgot about that!" I quickly sip my juice until it's finished before grabbing two large mugs with a raccoon print on one and a seahorse print on the other.

"What - no wine glass?" He asks as he searches the drawers for a corkscrew.

I shake my head. "Nope. We had two, but we broke them when we were cleaning that one time,"

He successfully finds the corkscrew and carefully opens the wine bottle with ease, making me wonder how many wine bottles he'd opened before this one.

He pours a generous amount on each of the mugs and we make our way into the living room. "So, you and that Luke guy?" He repeats, eyes telling me he's determined to get an answer out of me by narrowing them, black pupils pointed at me.

I look down at my mug of wine, shrugging. "We were friends," I simply reply.

Wyatt nods. "Sure," He takes a loud sip and looks away. "I don't know what happened between you two, but something awful must've happened for you to get to the hospital."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑⁰¹ʰᵉᵐᵐⁱⁿᵍˢ✓Where stories live. Discover now