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"What are you doing here? It's midnight," He asks, walking over to me with a cheeky grin.

I shrug. "I should ask you, you're here as well," I felt odd seeing a client outside the studio, it was like seeing your teacher outside of school. It's weird, awkward, and you usually try avoiding them.

He laughs and points behind him. "Luke, Calum, Michael, and I were over at the studio recording and we wanted to take a break. We heard this place has great coffee, and it's two blocks away,"

My brows rise at the situation I'd stumbled myself into. "Oh, they're here as well?"

"Mhm, you wanna come sit with us? We're just writing something and talking,"

"I -" I turn between him and Cameron, who was just standing behind the counter in wide-eyed shock. Unsure of what my choice should be, my heart pounded, either from the band's presence, our sudden meeting or the increasing pain of my headache. "I don't know if I should. You're writing something, I don't want to intrude,"

He shook his head and chuckled. "No, you wouldn't be intruding. Plus, we could use someone to bounce ideas off of."

I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing I'd have to say yes, otherwise it'd just be awkward if I said no and still sat in the cafe while they were right there. "Uh - sure. Okay, yeah, I'll sit with you," I nervously laugh.

"Awesome," He takes my plate of banana bread in one hand and gestures me to follow him. "Come on, I'll escort you," He says in a posh, British accent.

I shrug at Cameron once Ashton turns. I grab my coffee cup and follow Ashton further into the cafe. He turns a corner and stops at a booth, placing my plate onto a table of four. "'Ere we go,"

I see that the table has some coffee cups and empty plates on top. A notebook is open in the middle, a black pen sitting on it. Untidy handwriting is scrawled on one page, saying something I couldn't possibly try to read.

I step beside Ashton, averting three pairs of eyes from the banana cake on the table to my own. I feel my skin crawl under all the attention, all I could do was awkwardly wave as I tried not to melt into one mess of a blob. "Hey..."

"Clementine!" Calum exclaims, leaning forward with a childish grin.

My eyes momentarily widened at his new blue hair, definitely the only thing standing out the warm toned cafe.

"She was just by the counter when I heard her voice - thought it would be nice to have someone else on this table." Ashton talks as he grabs a chair from another table, placing it at the end of the booth's table.

Michael, who sat by the outside part of the booth, stood up and sat on the newly-placed chair. "You can go sit over there," He tells me, nudging his head to where he sat from.

Ashton sits beside Calum, leaving me to take Michael's place: beside Blue Eyes - or, Luke.

I suck in a brave breath and take my place beside him. "Ashton, thanks for inviting me. Though, this feels like some highschool clique,"

Ashton laughs and shakes his head. "No worries. Do you write?"

"Oh no, I'm bad at it. It was my minor when I was at uni, but I remain to be inferior to it." Well, though I did feel like that at some times, I was mostly exaggerating. Sitting by these singers and songwriters made me feel smaller. Sure, I went to university and studied it, but they made a career out of it without having to study about it. "Though, I do write up some okay poems here and there."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑⁰¹ʰᵉᵐᵐⁱⁿᵍˢ✓Where stories live. Discover now