Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story

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- Plagiarism? An identical necklace? - Defne asked perplexedly. - But how? Тhis is my sketch!

- Which was stolen from you and passed off as theirs! - Omer moved from the first shock and boiled with anger.

- Who stole it? Defne whispered helplessly.

- We'll find who! - Omer declared resolutely and, taking her hand above the elbow, led her to the exit from the office. - Now we need to make screenshots of the Sapphire database and send them to the exhibition gallery. The registration date of the sketch will be proof. Turkish gold has provided printouts of its database. Their sketch was registered on March 10.

- We have all the sketches entered into the database, - hurrying after her husband, Defne said excitedly. "Mirai registers them the same day I finish working on them. And I completed the Starry Night on the sixteenth of February.

"Don't worry! We will now make a screen and send it to the gallery," Omer reassured her. - And then we'll deal with the thieves. - In the corridor, he called Nazlican and ordered: - Tell Koray and Zubeyir let them immediately go to Sapphire. To Mirai's office.

Frightened by the steely tone of the boss, the girl hurried to carry out his order.

She, Kartal, Iplikci, Koray, and Mert gathered in Mirai's office. The boy was at his mother's when the alarmed Omer and Defne entered. He wanted to leave, but Omer motioned for him to stay. Sitting Defne into a chair, he looked at the staff and briefly outlined the situation.

"Evidence must be provided by five o'clock in the evening," he concluded.

Kartal's face darkened, Koray loudly called on the heads of the vile thieves to be punished from heaven, and Mirai immediately opened the database. She found the necessary sketch and, looking at the monitor, turned pale as a sheet.

"There is no date here," she whispered in a trembling voice and looked at Defne in confusion. "But this cannot be. I remember well how Laila brought the sketch and gave it to Mrs. Laura, and she gave it to me and asked me to register it. I registered by all the rules. The date was!

She burst into tears. Kartal took her hand and ordered:

- Do not cry! Remember, maybe you accidentally deleted it afterward?

Mirai shook her head and replied:

- No. I have no right to do this. Only...

- I.

The voice was low but had the effect of a bomb exploding. All heads, as if on command, turned to Zubeyir, who entered the office. He stood with his head down, drooping and unhappy. Omer approached him and barked:

- Look at me! - The programmer raised his face distorted with shame. - Why did you do that?

"Laila asked me," he whispered resignedly.

- Laila? - asked Omer and pressed his hand to his forehead with force. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and the whole picture was stunning by its abomination.

- Oh, you ferret stinking of eggs!!! - cried Koray. - Covered the scum, and even participated in her heinous crimes? It's not enough to tear you apart! Omyush!!! Koray jabbed Omer in the chest. - And I said that this ugly Laila tried to cripple the skinny girl! You didn't believe it! You believed this Judas! - His finger poked Zubeyir's forehead and he shrank.

- Wait, Koray! - Omer was no less angry, but he was thinking soberly. - We'll find out that too. But now the main thing is the sketch. Ahtem and Laura are waiting for screenshots of the database with the date. Zubeyir! - He barked at the programmer. - Can you return the date?

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