Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle

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The gray cat jumped down from the chair and quietly stepping along the wooden floorboards with shaggy paws came up to Fikret. She bent to pick it up, but it hissed angrily and arched its back. Fikret grinned wryly and spoke to the cat:

"Are you still so independent?" You don't need anyone, isn't attached to anyone?

"Like its mistress," came a rustling voice behind. Fikret looked around. At the door stood an old woman, skinny and straight as a stick, with her head covered in a black scarf. She looked at the guest with condemnation with sharp eyes hidden in deep wrinkles and did not even try to hide her dislike.

"Hello, grandmother," Fikret greeted but did not budge. So she remained standing in the middle of the room.

The old woman, too, was in no hurry to open her arms to her. She strictly asked:

- For how long?

"Forever," Fikret answered coldly.

Grandma laughed a croaking laugh.

- So what? Or didn't you find what you were looking for? You have moved away from us, but has not nailed to the other side? You didn't even say goodbye to your father.

"Did he need this goodbye?" - on the face of Fikret appeared a sarcastic smile that did not touch the eyes.

"You are his only daughter!" - the old woman screamed at the granddaughter by poking with a finger her chest and stamped her foot.

- Unloved daughter !!! - Fikret shouted in response. - My father always did not care if I was alive or not. And you too! I just answered you in return.

And again, dry laughter as a crow croaking echoed through the house.

- So what? Found someone who could love you? The old woman asked with an evil mockery.

Fikret wanted to hit her. Cling to the throat and shake until the soul leaves the frail body. But she restrained herself. She clenched her fists and coldly informed the only blood relative, but completely alien in essence person:

"I'll take my old room." I hope there is at least some food in the kitchen? I'm hungry.

- There is fish soup. Help yourself, " her grandmother ordered and left the room.

A minute later, in the back of the house, a thud of a door against a jamb was heard. Fikret flinched and closed her eyes. It burned mercilessly in his chest. Resentment and hatred did not allow her to breathe.

Nothing has changed.

She is a stranger here. And even the fact that the house now belongs to her did not change things. They don't love her. Her father did not like her, the grandmother does not like her, and Omer did not like her either.

Well, if she is not worthy of love, then let nothing be expected from her but hatred.

Something soft touched her legs. Fikret looked down. The gray cat, arching its back, rubbed against her calves. The girl crouched, stroked the smoky hair and asked in a choked voice:

"What should I do, Gree?"


The light was turned off in the room. Ink darkness emphasized the brightness of the stars looking at the window and the thin sickle of the young moon.

- Heaven is favorable to us? - Defne asked quietly recalling the words spoken earlier by Omer.

"Always," he answered in a hoarse whisper.

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