Chapter 31 - Windows

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In front of Defne was an old woman. All in black, she seemed the darkness with a female face. And that face was arrogant and strict. She silently looked at the girl and from her gaze, Defne wanted to turn and wrap herself in a warm shawl.

- Can I help you? She asked the uninvited guest.

"No," she answered.

Defne was confused. This old woman seemed increasingly strange to her. She examined her clothes. Ascetic, but expensive. The woman does not look like a beggar asking for alms.

"Then what brings you here?" She asked the next question.

- I came to say - hang up curtains on the windows.

- What? - Defne breathed dumbfounded. - Who you are?

"It doesn't matter," the old woman frowned angrily. - Just listen to my advice - hide your happiness. Put curtains on the windows.

Without saying goodbye, she turned and went to the exit from the yard. Near the gate, the strange woman ran into the Topal family. They just got out of a taxi in a noisy crowd and were about to enter the courtyard. Without greeting, she walked past them and disappeared into the darkness.

- Who is this? The intrigued Nihan asked Defne. The rest were silent but looked alarmed.

"I don't know," Defne shrugged. - Strange woman. She was talking some kind of nonsense about windows without curtains.

"Crazy," Nihan delivered her verdict. "But why did you open the door for her?"

"I thought you came." I opened and on the doorstep was she. Like a ghost. Never mind. Come into the house. I'm dying, I want to kiss you all and eat grandmother's baklava.

- Ay, my beauty! - Chattered Turkan. - She wants grandmother's baklava! Now, my sweet! But first, you eat dolma. Our baby needs the strength to grow.

- Thank you, my soul! You're the best! - Defne hugged her grandmother by the shoulders and all Topal entered the house.


Omer, still feeling a shiver of loathing at the touch of the cold fingers, frowned at Fikret. She didn't look good. Like a person who did not sleep for several days. A feverish fire burned in her eyes.

"Sorry, I scared you," she said.

"I am not scared," Omer stepped back a step. "I just don't like being touched by strangers."

"Does this right belong only to Defne?" To touch you? - Thin lips twisted in an eerie grimace.

It was unpleasant to look at her, but Omer did not look away. He squeezed his eyes, ordering her to keep her distance. His answer was short and harsh:

- Yes.

Fikret came almost face to face. The grimace of hatred gave way to a seductive look.

"But she cannot touch you right now, as you need." And you are a man. You need a discharge. Sex. - She reached out a palm to his stomach.

Omer intercepted her hand and disgusted, like it's a snake, push it away. Fixing Fikret with a glance, he said:

- I'm a man madly in love with his wife. Therefore, Fikret, do not even try. It is useless.

She moaned and covered her face with her hands. And when she removed them, her eyes burned with despair and pain.

"How did she get you?" Why do you love her so much? For what do people love?

- Strange questions. People don't love for some reason, Fikret. They just love.

- But why? Why do you love her, not me? She cried. "We would have been the perfect couple." The whole world would belong to us!!!

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