A memory

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(Makoto POV) 

The next day we all met up in the bath house to look at the photos I had found.

"So dude did you find anything?" Yasuhiro

"W-we wouldn't be here if he hadn't found anything." Toko

"Well Makoto what is it." Kyoko

"Well remember at the start of the mastermind trial we got those photos of us?" Makoto

"Yeah." Aoi

"Well I found some more." Makoto

I pulled the photos out of my pocket and gave it to the others.

"These are....." Aoi

(I don't remember if they found out at the beginning of the trial but just pretend they don't know that they lost 2 years of their memories.)

"W-when were these taken?" Toko

They were pictures of all of us in different places throughout the school together. But in all of them we had on school uniforms and were definitely not taken during the killing game.

"I wonder what this means." Kyoko

"Well y-you're the smart one you should know." Toko

"...can I say what I think." Makoto

Everyone looked at me. I took a deep breath.

"What if we've been here for longer than we thought." Makoto

I was met with a few looks of confusion so I decided to elaborate. 

"I-I mean what if we.....we've been at this school long before the killing game." Makoto

Everyone seemed shocked by what I had just said except Kyoko and Toko. Toko seemed like she was pretending to be surprised which confused me.

"But how could we not remember being at the school?" Yasuhiro

"I agree with Makoto, I think we've been here longer then we can remember." Kyoko

"That's hard to believe man." Yasuhiro

"I'm serious, early I found this video of us talking to the headmaster of the school. And all of us were agreeing to stay in the school forever." Makoto  

"Ok but why would we forget? I mean it's not like memory erasers have been invented or anything." Aoi

"W-well we don't fully know that." Makoto

"From what Togami told me after Chihiro died, the Togami corporation has a lot more resources than the rest of us." Makoto

 "How do you know he wasn't just lying to you then? So we would be confused now!!" Yasuhiro

"I suggest we all go to our rooms to think for a bit." Kyoko

I was grateful, it was hard to stand in a room with everyone judging my ideas. After saying goodbye, we all went back to our rooms.


I sat down on my bed and pulled the folded photo out of my pocket. I'm glad that no one asked me to show more evidence that we had been in the school for longer, I was used to a longer argument. But anyways If they had asked, I would have had to show them this photo. I made sure I was facing away from the camera and unfolded the photo. It was a photo of Togami and me. He seemed to be fluffing my hair while I was looking up at him with a smile and tiny blush on my face. I hadn't wanted anyone to see this because Kyoko was the only one who knew my old crush. I looked behind us in the photo and on the wall was a decoration that said "2012!!" 

(They first came to school 2010)

(Byakuya POV flashback to be clear Makoto isn't reliving this memory because he has forgotten)

I heard a knock on the door to my room. 

"You may enter." Byakuya 

My door opened and in walked Naegi. 

"Hey Byakuya what are you doing?" Makoto

I had never given him permission to use my first name but since he was under the impression we were friends I stopped correcting him after the 50th time.

"I'm doing work Naegi." Byakuya

"Geez do you ever stop working?" Makoto

"Excuse me." Byakuya.

"You're always working and you never hang out with everyone." Makoto

I never got used to the way he was speaking to me. Me! Byakuya Togami the heir to the Togami Corporation. I started to get defensive. I stood up and walked towards him.

"I hang out with you isn't that enough." Byakuya

Even though he was short Naegi valiantly stood in front of me stared me right in the eyes.

"You know if you really want to be successful you need to have normal human interactions." Makoto

I sighed I couldn't really argue with him. I knew one day soon I might have to execute him, though I doubt he'd kill someone so he'd survive. Or if my plan didn't go through he'd just be killed by the tragedy itself. Either way our interactions don't matter since he's just gonna die soon. But if I became a bit attached to Naegi, then maybe he would appreciate the despair it causes me to watch him die.

"Fine you've worn me down." Byakuya 

Naegi's eyes lit up.

"Yay." Makoto

Before I could say anything else Naegi grabbed me by tie and dragged me out of the room. 

"Oh Togami glad you made it." Aoi

"O-oh..you" Toko

Everyone from our class was gathered in the dining hall, none of them had expected to see Byakuya Togami.

"Yup I finally got him to come." Makoto

"Well your just in time, the balls about to drop." Kyoko

Naegi dragged me over to the television that was brought into the dining hall just for this event. 

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!!!!" Everyone

Suddenly streamers and balloons fell down from the ceiling. Naegi was smiling so wide I couldn't help but smile a little. I took out a camera and put my hand on his head. He looked up at me.

"Say cheese Naegi." Byakuya

And with that I took a picture of us together.

*authors note
Ok I hate when people say this so I'm putting it down here. Guys just thank you for reading my Naegami story.

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