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TW: Blood warning (pfft totally ignore this everything will be fine)

(Makoto's POV)

As we walked out of my room Byakuya had his hand intertwined with mine. We walked to the dining room where everyone was waiting. 

"We're glad you're alright Byakuya." Kyoko

Byakuya bowed his head.

"Thank you." Byakuya

"You know I still don't fully trust you." Yasuhiro 

I felt angry at this. I was about to tell him off before Byakuya spoke.

"That is fine. I don't really care much for your opinion." Byakuya

Kyoko laughed at that a little. Byakuya then wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I felt myself blushing a bit.

"I only really care about Makoto's opinion." Byakuya

"I ummm ....uh I uh I umm." Makoto

I stared down at the floor. God damm it why was it hard to think when he was standing right there. Byakuya chuckled. 

"S-so where do we go from here?" Toko

Toko's question did give a good point. I pulled him a little bit closer. 

"We get out of this school." Byakuya

"But how? Isn't the door sealed?" Aoi

Byakuya nodded.

"That's true, and even though it can be opened it takes some time to open. Though there is another way." Byakuya

"Wait really?" Makoto

I looked up at him. God damm it why was he so tall.

"Yeah, I mean how else would my father have gotten all of his men in here? He told me he came through the front door but I definitely would have heard it open. The exit has to be somewhere in the basement." Byakuya

Aoi stood up from the table.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Aoi

(Time skip brought to you by daddy long legs {screams in having used the word Daddy to describe Byakuya})

(Byakuya's POV)

We rode the elevator down. I wasn't sure exactly where the passage was but I had a general idea. When we got to the last floor I looked over and saw Makoto was shaking a tiny bit looking down the hall. 

"Are you ok?" Byakuya

"Yeah yeah I promise, it's just a little hard." Makoto

I reached down and squeezed his hand a bit. I could feel him lean into me a bit. Without letting go of his hand I walked forward out of the elevator. Everyone else soon followed. 

"Ok I'm not sure exactly where the exit is but it should be somewhere down here." Byakuya

"Where should we look?" Kyoko

"'s probably down there." Makoto

I looked down to see Makoto pointing to one end of the hallway. 

"T-those are the rooms I haven't been in." Makoto

I looked on the opposite end of the hallway to recognize where I went when I tried to save Makoto. I squeezed his hand tight again and we walked towards that end of the hallway. At the end there were 3 doors so we decided to split up in groups of 2. Even if we weren't gonna split I wouldn't have left Makoto. Kyoko and Toko took the door down the middle, Aoi and Yasuhiro took the right door and Makoto and I took the left door. We walked in and I didn't see much. There wasn't much to see in there. 

Why Should I Trust You Mastermind Byakuya X MakotoWhere stories live. Discover now