Next Motive

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Oh god guys I'm sorry

Warning: you know that "oh no" meme sound on Tik Tok? That's this entire chapter.

Blood mention

(Byakuya's POV) 

I woke up in the garden. I wasn't fully awake but I kind of recalled Makoto telling me he was going back to his room. Now it was just me up here. I suddenly blushed recalling the previous night. I hadn't wanted to kiss him because I wasn't sure about his feelings. I believed his feelings were true but it was hard to tell whether he was just blinded by grief or not. I stood up and made the journey back to the mastermind room where I was supposed to be. Once I entered the room I was surprised with what I saw. 

"F-father?" Byakuya

In the room sat my father Kijo Togami, the Ultimate Despair. 

"Close the door boy." Kijo

I quickly shut the door behind me and stood in front of my father.

"Um what brings you here father. are you here. I mean the schools fully locked up." Byakuya

He chuckled slightly.

"Come on Byakuya, use your head. We used the front door which you would have known if you stayed in this room like you were supposed to." Kijo

He twirled a pen off my desk.

"Why weren't you in this room anyway." Kijo

I became completely still. I quickly made up a lie.

"I was going around checking on a few things." Byakuya

He gave me a look and I knew he didn't believe me. But at least he couldn't have known about Makoto. (*cough*)

"You know the ratings are going down on the killing game." Kijo

"I-I would have guessed that." Byakuya

"Stop stuttering!" Kijo

He banged his hand on the table and I jumped a little.

"You are ruining this killing game! There are still people out there who still believe in 'hope'" Kijo

I looked down at my shoes.

"I'm trying my best-" Byakuya

"You obviously haven't because the last motive didn't result in any deaths." Kijo

I knew he would be disappointed but I hadn't expected him to come all the way into the school. 

"This killing game was your idea! We already had a perfectly good plan to kill everyone!" Kijo

I shuddered remembering the old plan for the killing game.

(Hey I'm planning on making a prequel so you'll get more story on that)

"We let you take control of the game but for now we'll be taking over." Kijo

"Wait what?" Byakuya

"Yes you'll still be the "mastermind" which you like to call it but we will be calling the shots." Kijo

He took an envelope out of his pocket and placed it on the desk.

"We've already started the next motive." Kijo

With that up he passed me to leave. Just before he left he whispered something in my ear which made my hair stand on its end.

"By the way, you left the cameras on last night." Kijo

He then left the room. I immediately ran up to the desk and opened the envelope containing the motive. Reading it, I felt the color drain from my face. I ran out of the room and ran towards the dining hall.

"Togami? What are you-" Aoi

"Where is Makoto!!" Byakuya

"A-as if we would tell you that." Toko

"Please this is really important!!" Byakuya

"What's going on." Kyoko

Kirigiri had just walked into the dining hall.

"Kirigiri please where's Makoto!!" Byakuya

"And why do you want to know?" Kyoko

"Kirigiri please, it's really important!! I-I need to make sure he's ok!!" Byakuya

Kirigiri didn't say anything for a few seconds before responding.

"I'll tell you that I haven't seen him since yesterday at dinner." Kyoko

"No nonono!!" Byakuya

I ran towards Makoto's room and burst in. At first it looked normal, but then I noticed that there was some broken glass and liquid on the ground. 

"Makoto!! Where are you!?!" Byakuya

I couldn't find him anywhere. I ran back to the dining hall as I heard the announcement start to play. We all looked up as a video started to play.

"W-what?" Aoi

"What the hell!!" Yasuhiro

I fell to my knees. After reading the motive I had tried to get to him but I was just too late. They had done this because of me. They had seen that I cared for Makoto. On the screen was Makoto kneeling on the floor with each of his arms being held by a man in a black suit. He had a piece of cloth tied around his mouth and blood dripping from his head. From behind him stepped out none other than my father.

"Hello 78th class. Here is your next motive for this game." Kijo

The piece of paper fell out of my hand and onto the floor. It read.

"Next motive: Someone must die or the Ultimate Hope shall be killed."

*Author note

First rule of Danganronpa!!! If your favorite character is missing or hasn't been seen in a while, Something. Bad. Has. Happened.  Also I wrote this before going to sleep!! These were my thoughts before bed. I went to bed knowing what I'd just done to one of my favorite characters.

Why Should I Trust You Mastermind Byakuya X MakotoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt