Punishment Time

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(Makoto's POV) 

I sank to the ground crying.

"K-kyoko I-" Makoto

I couldn't form words.

"I-I cant tell w-whats real or what's not anymore." Makoto

I had some hazy memories in my head. Memories I hadn't thought about before. In my head I saw me and Byakuya sitting in the library together. I saw Byakuya looking at me from across class. I also had a hazy memory of a kiss. None of these made sense to me knowing that I had also felt a lot of pain because of him. I had another hazy memory of me crying. Crying with him standing right in front of me. I put my head in my heads not knowing what to do. I was surrounded by darkness.

"Makoto......Makoto he cared for you." Kyoko

"H-h-how would you know?" Makoto

Kyoko sighed.

"Because he loves you Makoto." Kyoko

I felt a shine in the dark.

"W-what?" Makoto

"He does Makoto." Kyoko

I was wiping the tears from my eyes. I remembered the feeling when I first met him. Not the first time after my memories were wiped but the actual first time I had met him. I remember feeling slightly annoyed but also feeling a feeling of love. I stood up quickly. Remembering where I was and what was happening to the person I loved.

"B-Byakuya!! He's in danger!!" Makoto

(Byakuya's POV)

I must have been knocked out again because I woke up not knowing where I was, again. It took a few minutes because it was different then how it was supposed to be, but I soon realized where I was. I was on the execution grounds. My execution grounds. It was a large room with a long hall and a door at the end of it. I looked to a corner where a loudspeaker started to project the voice of my father. 

"It's time for Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Despair's punishment." Monokuma 

(Everyone who said to put Togami in an execution: "WRONG TOGAMI!! WRONG TOGAMI!!)

I tried to move but I was handcuffed to the wall farthest from the door.

"Let's give it everything we got,it's punishment time!!" Monokuma

With that the handcuffs released me and I quickly got up and ran to the door. I tried it and it of course was locked. 

"Damm it!" Byakuya

It was at that moment that I realized my jacket wasn't on. I could feel the room start to get colder. Of course, I should have known it was gonna happen. I looked around the hall trying to find another way out. I noticed a bunch of other doors in the hall. I could see my breath and had started shivering uncontrollably. I was trying the doors but all of them were locked. My glasses were fogging up. Until I reached one of the doors. I hastily opened it but stumbled back by what I found. It was gruesome pictures of my siblings. My siblings after I had had to fight them. All of them were black and blue or had cuts all over them. I started to cry a bit which only made the cold worse. Over the speaker I could just hear the sound of my father laughing. I shook my head as if trying to shake away the cold, and the laughter. I couldn't think. I felt like I didn't know where I was.. I knew the symptoms of hypothermia well. (No no I do not that's why I have a split screen of google docs and a CDC article about hypothermia. At the bottom of the story I wrote some symptoms down.) This of course was the memory loss part of hypothermia. I at least remembered that. I stumbled back over to the original door and started banging on it. Each bang hurt my hands over and over. My father had stopped laughing but I could still hear it in my head. I fell to my knees and let my head rest against the wall. I didn't have any strength left. I could feel my tears freezing to my face. I thought about Makoto. He was such a kind and innocent person. And I......I was a terrible person. Some many bad things have happened to him. All because of me.

"M-Makoto......I'm sorry...." Byakuya

I knew I was dying. I felt the life leaving me. Suddenly I heard clanking from the door. Just as it swung open, I passed out. My body had finally stopped functioning. My brain was shutting down. Just as I had seen a brain do once before. (Oooh tragicish backstory thats gonna be in the prequel so you should definitely check it out when this is finished ooooh)

*authors note

Pfft- I just realized while Makoto was crying and Kyoko was saying Byakuya loved him all of the other survivors were just also there too just watching it happen XD. I know this isn't funny but I'm writing this at nighttime so XDD. So I don't know too much about his execution but I did it to my basic knowledge of being frozen. Also as you can see I changed my name to.........what I am XD. A Pansexual Komaru Naegi kinnie. So yeah. Also how do you pronounce his last name. I say toe-gam-e but is it toe-gah-me?

Hypothermia symptoms (this really made a difference when writing this chapter.)




Fumbling hands

Memory loss

Slurred speech


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