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Oh my god. Like 2 thousand people are so confused because I NEVER PUBLISHED THIS CHAPTER. I am so sorry!!!

(Makoto POV)

Someone knocked on my door. I laid in bed not wanting to get up,what was the point. (Shoot this makes me think about Shuichi after Rantaro's trial and now I'm sad) The person kept knocking and I knew I had to do something. I slowly got up and opened the door. In the doorway was Kyoko.

"Makoto, can we talk in the bathhouse." Kyoko

I was surprised by her outright saying that.

"Is it ok to just say that?" Makoto

"Well Byakuya already knows about it so I don't see any point in trying to hide what we're doing in there." Kyoko

Kyoko grabbed my arm and practically dragged me to the bathhouse. When we got there I saw that everyone else was there. Well everyone except Byakuya.

"So what's the plan Kyoko?" Aoi

Despite what we had learned Aoi still seemed energetic. I have no idea how.

"Yeah how are we gonna get out of here?" Yasuhiro

"I'm working on a plan, and Makoto I need your help with this." Kyoko

"Hmm me?" Makoto

"Yes Makoto you're the only one who can do this." Kyoko

"I need you to get close to Togami." Kyoko

"What!?" Makoto, Toko, Aoi, Yasuhiro

"Why me?" Makoto

"Y-yeah why him." Toko

"I've thought about it and Aoi or me would be too suspicious, he wouldn't want to be friends with Yasuhiro-." Kyoko

"Hey!" Yasuhiro

"He's already shown he doesn't like Toko getting close to him so it has to be Makoto." Kyoko

"Well what would Makoto need to do." Aoi

"For now just to gather more information about the outside world. If we wanna escape we have to know what's out there and why no one has been able to rescue us." Kyoko

"Well then if anyone can do this it's you Makoto." Yasuhiro

"Yeah you can do this!" Aoi

"But guys seriously I don't know what I'd do." Makoto

"Can you guys leave so I can talk to Makoto alone." Kyoko

"Of course." Aoi

"F-f-fine." Toko

Everyone left leaving Kyoko and me alone.

"Kyoko I really don't think I can-" Makoto

"I know you have a crush on him Makoto." Kyoko

"W-what?" Makoto

She had said those words so calmly, like they had meant nothing.

"Makoto, I'm a detective. I can read your body language when you look at him. It also explains why you were at first speechless when he was revealed as the mastermind." Kyoko

"Kyoko I-." Makoto

"Nono it's fine since you could like guys or girls it doesn't matter." Kyoko (Kyoko says LGBTQ+ rights!)

I blushed a bit, feeling embarrassed.

"Well um yeah I'm bisexual." Makoto

"That's cool. So Makoto I think that you could get really close to Togami." Kyoko

"E-even though I had a crush on him why would he even let me get close to him." Makoto

"Because I think that he's kinda interested in you Makoto." Kyoko

"W-What! No no no no no no way! He's evil, he's the mastermind!...why would he be interested in me?" Makoto

"Makoto you are a strong source of hope with him being the ultimate despair you're bound to be interesting to him." Kyoko

"O-oh really I hadn't really noticed." Makoto

For some reason when she said he might be interested I thought she meant he liked me. No that's ridiculous. And anyway I don't like him anymore so it doesn't matter. I was starting to feel sick again.

"I'll try my best, Kyoko." Makoto

"Thanks Makoto." Kyoko

And with that we left the bathhouse. Thinking about how I would try and deceive the mastermind.

Why Should I Trust You Mastermind Byakuya X MakotoWhere stories live. Discover now