Just what we need

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TW: bit of abuse

(Makoto's POV) 

"We have much to discuss." Kijo

"L-leave me alone." Makoto

I didn't want to talk to this man. He started to walk towards me. I tried to move away but I was already against a wall. He grabbed my jacket and pulled me up. I felt too weak to do anything about it. 

"Let's talk about your silly idea of 'hope'" Kijo

He slammed me into the wall. I shut my eyes.

"Why do you refuse to give into despair. Speak!!" Kijo

"I-I-I don't know!!" Makoto

I really didn't know.

"Even before we erased your memories you always believed that the world would get better!! How the hell do you keep resisting despair!!" Kijo

"P-please I don't know, i-its just my talent." Makoto

"You are lying! There has to be something else!" Kijo

"I don't know really! I just know that i-if we all fall into despair there's no way for us to m-move forward." Makoto

He studied me.

"Do you stay hopeful for certain people?" Kijo 

I was startled.

"W-what?" Makoto

"That's it isn't it, the reason you stay hopeful is for your family, who's already dead, your friends who will all die and............perhaps my son?" Kijo

"I-" Makoto

"Don't lie boy, it's obvious you seem to 'care' for him. But let me tell you this." Kijo

He leaned in close to me.

"He does not feel the same way about you!" Kijo

"No.......n-no thats wrong.?" Makoto

"Please he's the one who came up with this game." Kijo

"W-what?" Makoto

"Yes, it was all his idea. He was very excited about putting his classmates through the game." Kijo

"No he couldn't have!!" Makoto

He smirked.

"It's all true, for example last night." Kijo

H-how did he know?!?

"He was just trying to give you more hope before you fell into despair." Kijo

I couldn't help it. I started to cry. He let go of me and I slumped to the ground. He scoffed.

"Pathetic." Kijo

".....I don't believe you I-I-I." Makoto

Byakuya's father just looked at me before walking away. No it couldn't be true! Byakuya really cared. Then on the wall a screen appeared and a video started playing. I gasped. The video was of Byakuya.

"Hello everyone. Today I'm presenting the idea for a killing game." Byakuya

"W-what the hell!!" Makoto

"We'll gather the 78th class of Hope's Peak Academy and force them to kill each other." Byakuya

Video Byakuya started to go into lots of detail of the killing game and I started sobbing. I couldn't believe it was true. I curled back into a ball. No No No I can't be doing this. I can't fall into despair. But all I felt like doing was sobbing.

Why Should I Trust You Mastermind Byakuya X MakotoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora