Chapter 13 Part I

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Hiii Guys,

So, it's March and I'm excited but also nervous about the next months and what they have in store for me. 

This is a longer chapter. 

Anyway, enjoy and have fun while reading this!

P.S.: I really need to edit my chapters like my grammar mistakes are horrendous!


Summer before junior year

I miss my friends. More than that I miss Priya, my best friend. Priya and I turned out to be fast friends. Could be that my Indian heritage called to hers. Okay, fine, that's exaggerated. We were in a group project together and liked mostly the same stuff and we were both good listeners and funny. 

But the Indian - thing - I considered it as one thing for becoming friends with her. If you didn't know, my Grams was half - Punjabi (her mom was from India) and half - British (her dad was a British - officer stationed in India before its independence and fell in love with her mother). Grams spent her entire life before marriage in Great - Britain but visited often India with her mom as often she could just to see the other half of herself. Exploring India, getting mesmerized with the culture, getting to know and love her moms' relatives and finding her roots. Gram's mom, my great - grandmother died in her hometown but before that Grams married into a prestige American family, the Vermonts. Grams tries to teach Dad and me that were also Punjabis and not just Americans and tells us hundreds of stories of her time there, which I totally love.

Anyway, I'm a little on edge because no one called me. Neither Henry nor Priya or Scott. I don't have friends here. I just met someone...well she started talking to me. Maya Abrams - she looks familiar but I can't remember. And she has a blunt way to talk. Sometimes, she gets mean but I don't think she notices it and honestly I try to lie low. Don't want to make friends since I'll be gone soon and this place doesn't look like you could make friends. 

Beginning of junior year

I guess I don't need friends. No. I don't need them. People, who leave you alone for a certain time and don't have good reason, aren't friends. Never were. And Priya... well I think she's one of them. She left me alone for Juliette. Never called. Nothing, not even a 'you're back' - hug. 

Maybe she was right. You're better off alone, never let anyone close to you, even if they think they're your best friends  - let them believe it but never respond, never tell them about you because the only person, who'll stay at your side forever is you, she'd said to me.


"After some interviews with students we heard that it was you, who started the 'food war'", Principal Richardson directed at Rose. "Is that true?"

"Yes," Rose said meekly and two seconds later she opened her mouth again for that. "My honor."

After I accidentally threw the pie on none other than Ms. Smith, she gave everyone penalty point and summoned us to Principal Richardson. With us, I mean, Rose, Cam, Henry and me. To say that Principal Richardson was displeased with my arrival at her office again (though the first visit wasn't on my account) would be an understatement.

"All further questions you are going to ask me, will be answered when my lawyer arrives. For the time being, I won't say anything anymore," Rose added as if it made sense. It didn't.

I didn't know what she was thinking but whatever she was saying wouldn't help her out of this situation. One summer ago, before junior year started in its full glory, was a big party. You know, those parties that were thrown for reasons like it's the end of summer break and we're one step closer to our graduation? Yes, that kind of party. 

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