Chapter 22

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Henry lightly squeezed my wrists. "Stop with whatever you're doing, Em," he said tightly.

"Why?" I asked innocently.

I turned my head to the side so that my lips grazed his neck. He took a sharp intake of breath. "I'm not doing anything. I'm just proving my point that you do care about me or why would you come after me? What was so disturbing to you that made you leave your girlfriend downstairs?"

I didn't intend to mock him but my voice just went into that direction every time I talked about him and his precious Juliette and their relationship, which coincidently started after Henry and my's break - up.

But I gave him intentionally a light peck on his neck.

Wrong thing to do.

"Stop provoking me," Henry warned me in a low octave.

Suddenly, he yanked my hands up, so that my head left his shoulder and neck on its own accord and positioned them above my head.

I looked surprised at him. Few seconds later, a smirk crossed my face because I proved my point. "Why, is your perfect image crumbling?"

"Says the girl with mommy issues," he said smugly. "You wanted to be perfect for her, but she didn't care. Am I right?"

My smirk and my satisfaction of being right disappeared and I inhaled sharply.

Henry didn't think his words hurt me, when he pressed himself closer to me. "Tell me, Em, is that why you hang out with guys or sleep with them? Because you couldn't be perfect for your mom?"

I tried to wriggle my hands free but in vain. "Let me go."

"Is Cam another one for you?"

I stilled and met his gaze. "What did you say?"

Henry stared back and put more pressure on my wrists. "H- how much did you do with Cam? More than what you did with me? Do you really enjoy being with him or are you using him to make me jealous? Is that it?"

"Let me go, you idiot," I seethed.

I couldn't believe that this was my Henry.  Although I knew that even kind Henry had a vicious side to him, I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that he really thought this - me and his cousin  sleeping with each other or doing anything else like that - and was like that to me.

But I forgot that he was already once like this. Henry was cruel and mean to me, the last summer break weeks before junior year started, exactly a month before. The second time he was like that was when our break - time happened and then the whole junior year.

I struggled with Henry though he didn't move an inch away. It was just me just jumping and moving around.

"Is my cousin a rebound for you because you lost me," Henry rather stated than asked.

I wouldn't have done what I did next, if he hadn't this arrogant and smug expression on his face like he was right about everything. He was the biggest dumbhead on earth right now. Well, for me but that counted more than what others thought about him because I knew I was the only one thinking he was a dumbhead.

I kneed him literally in the balls. In his precious, precious thing because he deserved that.

Sadly, I didn't get him.

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