Chapter 23

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Helllooo, hellooo,

Guess what?

I'm back with a new chapter ;)

I wanted to upload this chapter actually yesterday, because I wasn't sure if I could do that today, but I found time haha.

Well, have a nice weekend and enjoy the reading!


"My parents won't give me the access to my fund until I turn 21, can you believe that?" Rose literally shouted through the speaker of my phone.

"And that's bad....?" I guessed while I was unpacking the rest of my stuff from home. I never fully unpacked my clothes and the stuff I brought for my stay at the Avilla mansion.

It was Sunday and since I had nothing better to do, I thought it was a good idea. Until I realized it's boring, so I face - timed Rose.

My phone was sitting on top of five textbooks from school and leaned against my pencil case. So, technically Rose was sitting there.

"It's extremely bad, because my earlier age was 18 and I'm going to turn 18 in a few months," she whined. "Anyway, tell me something about your life."

I was amazed how quickly Rose could change into different moods. I could do that too, but not like her. Though, she did whine for more than probably ten minutes about how hard life was for her. I was still surprised as to why she didn't continue.

I folded one of my jeans and put it on the tower on the ground. I admit, I did go back home again and brought new clothes, only because I needed them. I sectioned my clothes into piles but I didn't get far because I procrastinated too much.

I looked at Rose and shook my head. "I don't have anything going on in my life."

Which was right. I didn't think she was interested in my argument with Henry yesterday. Also, I was very determined to not remember the incident and I was kind of succeeding.

Rose looked at me oddly, but the expression changed the second she might have realized she looked off. I waved it off in my head, I shouldn't worry about that. Rose might not now what was going in my life but I had a good reason for that.

I didn't want to attach myself to her. If I did, I might get hurt in the end and it was for the betterment for both of us. I already lost my friends, so I every time pushed Rose away, if she was too curious. And she was often curious but she never took it wrong.

She always gave me space and was loyal to me. I might not be a good friend neither did I ever admit or ever said that she was my best friend because I was scared that I would hurt us both in the end with the baggage I was carrying.

So, yes it was selfish of me to get everything from her while I was giving her nothing. I had to decide who was more important - her or me and I chose myself over her.

"Figured that out," Rose finally said. "Well, I'll tell you my latest news - Dolores is avoiding me. I took her to the vet, but she said she's fine. I don't know what's with her because she's normal with my parents and even my brother."

Dolores was Rose's dog three legged dog. Her dog endured a lot and Rose adopted her at an animal shelter. Rose said it was love at first sight, when Dolores looked at her. Dolores was a delight to watch. She lived her life to fullest, even if she just had three legs.

She was strong and fierce, but also had a very soft side to her. I just loved that dog.

"Maybe, she doesn't like you anymore and maybe it's for the best. She found out that you're unbearable. Just a good dog could do that," a bored voice answered.

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