Chapter 11 Part I

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When I wrote chapter 10, I didn't know it would be that long. So I decided to put the rest of chapter 10 in chapter 11 here. 

Anyway, enjoy y'all!


"Because you know me and even if we both changed, there are some things that are still the same," I said and then I lifted my foot higher and stomped it on his. Hard.

I was greatly satisfied, when Henry grunted and cursed. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled, "What -", I started when I collided with his chest.

I looked up at him and for a brief moment I saw an amused smile on his lips, his green eyes dancing with laughter. "You're right. Some things are still the same like you being utterly violent."

"I'm not," I said, relieved that I got something out as my heart beat violently in my chest. Stupid heart.

"You threw fries on me because you lost against me and salt got in my eyes."

I shook my head and my hair strands flew in our faces. "Wrong. I threw the fries on the plate and they accidentally hit you in the face. And the reason why I threw them was that you looked at the stupid waitress," I grumbled.

"Were you jealous?" Henry grinned and something in me changed.

I didn't know what but the way he was grinning at me was ....disheveling. It was as if it was wrong. Henry, who always glared at, was now grinning at me. It felt like the universe was playing with me because happiness wasn't a part of my life. And maybe I felt happy when Henry was looking at me like that - like I was someone he knew.

Before I could say something, I heard a small scream behind us. Well, it was more like a screech, a banshee would do if they existed. Something changed in Henry's expression as if he woke up from a trance and he pushed me away so quickly that I stumbled. Thankfully I caught myself before I fell down.

I stared at him but it was as if Henry erased everything from his face - the amusement in his eyes, the grin on his face - as indifference and coldness stared back at me.

"What the hell were you doing?" The banshee - oh I meant Leah asked me, accusation in her eyes as she came to stand next to Henry. The way she was staring at me, meant clearly she made up a reason in her head and wouldn't listen to any truth that would come out of my mouth. And I didn't need to clarify myself in front of her when I stopped doing that a long time ago.

When had she arrived here? I seriously thought that she wouldn't come here but I was wrong. She turned to Henry and asked, "Have you found Alika? Not that she -," she leaned closer to Henry as if she was whispering but I heard every damn word, " - you know, took her with her or gave Alika to her partner to want money."

I glared at Leah. Now, I knew from where Henry got the idea of me kidnapping Alika. But how could he believe her? I was furious. Like I said, he should know that I wouldn't do something like that.

I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself. You know all that keep calm thing. I smiled sweetly at Leah and leaned my head on Henry's shoulder. 

When he stiffened, I grinned. "Me? I'm seducing him obviously," I declared enthusiastically. "Well, I seduce boyfriends, -" I made a thinking pause and walked to Leah, " - that's my second profession after kidnapping little siblings to my room, where I watch SpongeBob with them and play Hide and Seek or read a book to them."

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