Chapter 17 Part II

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So as I wrote in the last chapter, this chapter continues with the dialogue between Em and her grandma. This chapter is shorter than the previous ones, but I still hope you'll enjoy.

Additionally, this should've been uploaded a week ago, but because of my busy schedule I couldn't do it. So, today is the posting day haha.

As you can read from my profile description box, I'm uploading every weekend. Stay tuned for that :) 

Also, I used my like board of whatever it's called to announce something for the first time. Yup, it was exciting haha. 

Anyway, so I already fixed a posting schedule, so keep your weekends for a little bit of reading. If I'm not able to post, I'd tell you right away and for now, Sat and Sun will be the day of new chapters. 

Last but not least, thank you for 1k!

Love y'all :)



"Don't be. I think, I deserved and needed a pillow thrown at me," I grumbled.

Grams sighed. "See, the reason I came was because I heard you were injured and that you didn't leave your room since it happened."

I tried to speak but Grams didn't let me. "This is the hint that the story about your injury isn't true. I know, you won't tell me and neither will your brother but at least tell me, if you're okay, Em."

I left my hiding place and smoothed my hair back as I heard the brokenness in my grandma's voice. Grams was a strong woman, but the vulnerability behind her strength was what made me hesitate to speak a lie. 

So, I sticked to the truth, because she deserved it. At least, today. "No."

When I saw how Grams eyes instantly saddened more than I thought they could, it broke my heart a little bit. 

"But I will be, Grams," I added. I needed to be okay. If not for me, at least for my grandma. 

In this moment, my pain, my vulnerability, my brokenness didn't matter. All of that vanished when I looked at Grams. It always did. I wanted her to be happy. She deserved the world and happiness more that I ever did. 

She patted my head and tried to smile. "Let's not be emotional, right now."

 She laughed a little. "For once, huh."

I wanted to tell her that she's the emotional one. I learned years ago to master my emotions. I hid them well. But this time, something was meant to break. I just didn't know what.

"Why don't we go out?" Grams asked.

My head whipped to her. "I'd rather stay in here."

"That's not how it works, Em. You need to go out and get fresh air since you're holed up here for three days."

"I have a window. I'll just open it and let air in," I pointed to the window, "and I have everything I need in here. Even food."

I was proud of that. Proud that I never had to go out again and face anyone. I'd probably have to leave for school, but I wasn't ready for school anyway. At least, tomorrow I didn't have to because it'd be Saturday. 

"That's were you're wrong, Emerson," Mrs. Avilla said at the doorway. She had a first - aid box in her hands. "This isn't a prison cell, you're confiscated in and I won't always bring in your meals."

As Mrs. Avilla changed my bandage, I pouted and thought I could convince them to let me in my room. I'd go out tomorrow....maybe. "I like my prison."

That was the wrong thing to say as Grams and Henry's mom stared at me as if I lost all my senses.

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