Chapter 16 Part II

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Hey guys!

I know, I said I'd upload chapters last week (or a week before) but sadly I couldn't. The last time, I uploaded a chapter was in May. 

I'm probably uploading this chapter a few days later like in June. And it's like really hot here.

 I'm so not in summer mode but that's because I generally dislike summer and heat waves. I just love autumn and winter so much! 

The only summer days I really like are when it's windy, cloudy and like extreme raining. The sound of it is just so comforting and makes me happy. 

Anyway, don't know how that came up haha. So, basically June is like my final exams and presentation month, so I'm going to be really busy.

But, I'll try to upload as many chapters as possible in that frame line. If not, it's because I'm in stress or totally forgot about it. Also, my summer break will be dedicated to my story - I want to complete the first book, edit it and maybe be a part of the Wattys 2022. 

Who knows? 

Anyway (again?) this might be a shorter chapter and a longer explanation from my side but I hope, you'll like it :)

Read, comment, vote if you want!

Happy June to y'all :))


My door opened but I barely registered that someone stepped in my room, immersed in the Henry - thing and labelling myself as a crazy girl until someone took the blanket off my head. 

"Now, that's not how you welcome your best friend," Rose said, hands on her hips. I stared at her. "Get that look out of your face. You look like, I've interrupted something important."

"You did." 

She had a surprised look on her face. "Really? What?"

"My dream."

"Was I in there? What was it about?", she asked eagerly. 

"No. It was about the path to Hell," I told her, "and now, I would like to go back there."

I snatched my blanket and pulled it over my face.

Rose yanked it away again. I gave her my deadliest glare but she just shrugged. I took my blanket from her. "I'm warning you, Rose - let me sleep or I ....", I trailed off. 

I thought that was warning enough. I couldn't threat her with anything, so better let her think I had something against her, while in reality I didn't. I would let her think, if she wouldn't stop annoying me, there would be consequences as in my empty threat. Which apparently came off as an empty threat to her. 

I didn't even know, she knew me this well, when she snatched the blanket so fast away that I somehow felt naked. I threw a pillow at her but I wasn't sure if it actually hit her. It could've touched her but I wasn't going to dwell on it as I organized my pillows to lie back again. 

I could survive without a blanket. Blankets are overrated but God felt I cold. And then something hit me. Like low - key something hit the left side of my face and I fell back on my pillows.

Speak of being mega - dramatic. I was stunned for a second before I moved and searched for the weapon and saw it was the same pillow I threw on Rose.

I glanced at her. "Seriously?"

She shrugged. "What? You hit me too."

I threw my hands in the air. "But not that hard!"

"Well, your lame throw didn't even touch me," Rose said amused.

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