Chapter 26

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It was official. 

I might be the biggest unfortunate human on earth.

As I glanced to my left side I just felt the confirmation of me being hated from above. 

I admit the moment Henry stepped in the office of Principal Richardson I was staring at him like he was the deadliest disease on earth, that probably could be killed with my glares. 

And he knew that I was staring at him and thought I was crazy.

"So, Mr. Avilla does your decision change or will you tutor Ms. Vermont?" Ms. Becker asked him and I would lie, if I didn't say that she practically fawned over him.

Henry glanced at me and was a little taken aback when he saw that my eyes were already on him. 

I subtly, like really so that the others couldn't see, shook my head at him.

Henry just narrowed his eyes slightly at me and looked away. I nodded inwardly. He probably understood what I tried to convey. So, I couldn't stop myself from relaxing, which was a dumb thing to do because how the hell did I think that Henry would do what I wanted him to do?

He didn't like me anymore.

"I'll still do it," he said. His voice a mixture of boredom and coldness. 

No wonder, I was looking at him with resentment. I had every right because why on earth would someone want to tutor their ex, when they claim they don't exist for them anymore?

"That's good news." Ms. Becker clapped again. Was this her signature move? "I knew, we could count on you."

I rolled my eyes and thought, no we couldn't. 

"Thank you, Henry", Principal Richardson said and he nodded. "Do we have a problem?"

I was still glaring at Henry but the silence and that no one was answering Principal Richardson made me think that her question was directed at me.

I looked at her and found her watching me. Not just her, but also Coach Morgan and Ms. Becker. 

I smiled awkwardly. "No. Never."

I cringed. What kind of answer was that? And what kind of question?

Of course, I had a problem with Henry tutoring me!

"So, you're fine with Mr. Avilla being your tutor?"

I nodded. I couldn't say no. "Totally fine. I messed up and I will do everything to make amends. So, if that's all, I have a class to attend."

I put my hands on the arms of the chair and pushed myself up.

"We're not done yet," Coach Morgan announced. Why was she even here?

Judging Principal Richardson's face it was better for me to sit down again, though I really wanted to be anywhere else instead of here. 

I forced a smile and sat down, catching Henry's smug smile.


Principal Richardson crossed her arm. "As you both know, it's important to do extracurricular activities that the school offers next to your regular classes. Every year, you have to choose what kind of activities you want to do and enroll in them at the start of your year. Every student gets a place and it's actually a must in this school and looks good in college applications."

I nodded throughout her whole explanation but didn't understand why she said that. 

"It's essential for the school and you both," Coach Morgan started and stared us down with her infamous stare, "have nothing going on."

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