Radio Silence

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Stiles Stilinski sits with dozens of other people in what appears to be a rundown train station. The people are silent and seem distracted. Stiles realizes that the keys to his Jeep are in his hand. He turns to Doctor Sandra Hugo, the same doctor Lydia saw in class.

"Excuse me, sorry... Where are we?" Stiles asks.

"We're at the train station," the doctor replies.

"Right. Okay. Helpful. Which train station, exactly?"

"Train station number one-thirty-seven.

"Did you see me come in?"


"How long have you been here?"

"Maybe an hour?"

"We got here at the same time. It's been at least six hours," A businessman sitting next to her reading a paper says.

"Six hours?" The doctor seems confused by this information.

"Where are you goin'?" Stiles continues his interrorigation.

"Uh... Uh, I had a ticket with me somewhere, um..."

"You always travel in your work clothes?"

"I must have been in a rush..."

Stiles gets up and walks to the ticket booth. The sign says 'Back in 5 Minutes' but the dust on the counter is thick. "Do you know if anyone works here?"

As the question passes Stiles's lips the PA system comes to life. "The following stops have been cancelled: Hollatine, Batten, Baybury, Deer Ridge, Red Oak..."

"Excuse me, where are those trains going?" Stiles asks as All the people get up from their seats and head for the tunnel marked 'To Trains.'

"...Trenton, Anderson, King Springs..."

"Excuse me, do you know what train this is? Does anyone know where this train's going? Excuse me, do you know what train this is? Do you know where this train's going?"

Wind sweeps through the tunnel bringing with it rustling leaves and the sound of the Ghost Riders on horseback. The people in the waiting area panic and flee, taking refuge behind the rows of pews as the Riders enter and dump a tied man onto the floor. The man's bonds disappear in a puff of green smoke. The riders tear through the station knocking people down as they ride. Someone grabs Stiles and thrusts him behind a column. It's Peter Hale.

"It had to be you,"

The riders return through the tunnel and everyone in the station, save Stiles, immediately returns to their seats and their formerly docile disposition.

"Peter? Peter, what are you doing here? How are you here?" Stiles questions.

"What do you mean, how am I here? I'm here. You are here. We are all here. Now, get the hell away from me, Stiles," Peter replies.

"Peter. Peter. Peter! What are you doing?"

"I'm waiting for my train."

"Okay, did you not just see that?"

"See what?"

"The horses, the hogtied businessmen with the magically dissolving ropes? I'm sorry, did anyone just see that?"

"I saw it," Selene replies.

"Aaah!" Stiles screeches. "Jezus, woman where did you even come from?"

"Ow, where could I have come from? Maybe one of the hundred seats here that you have a very clear view of,"

"Are you saying I should've seen you coming?"

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