A Credible Threat

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I guess I finally found some time. Also WOW! I never thought anyone would read this story, to be honest, and then to have five thousand reads and recently we just reached 100 votes! Yay. Thank you, all of you. You all mean a lot to me. I also really value your opinions so if there is something you really do or don't want to happen, tell me.

Parrish says every night he believes he leaves his home. When he wakes each morning there are burned and bloodied clothes but he has no memory of where he goes. Saying he needs to know if he is adding to the body count, he enlists the aid of Argent, Scott and Stiles to follow him to find out and stop him if necessary.

Scott, Liam, and Stiles are driving down a dark road in Stiles' Jeep when Scott gets the text message from Argent, and it's clear by his lack of surprise that the three knew this was coming. 

"He's headed to the school" Scott announces. 

"Why's Parrish headed to the school?" Liam asks confused.

"It's not Parrish... At least, not right now" Scott points out.

"Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the school?" Liam asks again and then seems to realise something.

"'Cause he's got a yearning for higher education?" Stiles says sarcastically and then he seems Liam's look. "Oh no, what is it?" 

"Selene is at the school" Liam says.

"She- Why?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know! Liz told me she, Brett and Elias were going to the school tonight" Liam explains. Scott and Stiles look at each other before Stiles presses down the gas pedal as they speed toward the high school<>.


<>Argent has just arrived at the front of the school, where he's walking up the stone steps leading to the entrance. He stops at the sight of a burning banner for the charity lacrosse game still smouldering on the steps in front of him, and his entire body tenses as he slowly makes his way up toward the school, his senses all on high alert.

Moments later, the boys arrive at the school in the Jeep, where they all pile out into the parking lot and walk toward the school as well. Since Liam was in the backseat, he's the last one out, and he accidentally slams the door closed too hard, startling the others with the loud banging noise it creates. Scott and Stiles turn back to look at Liam-- Scott simply looks exasperated, while Stiles is giving Liam a dirty look as if to say, "No hurting the Jeep!" Liam looks embarrassed and makes a face.

"Sorry" He whispers.

The boys walk toward the school under the catwalk, where they eventually find Argent walking toward them, his gun in hand at his side. Argent looks around anxiously as the boys rush toward him to see what is going on.

"Where's Parrish?" Scott asks.

"I lost him. He's moving too fast" Argent replies with a sigh. Scott and Stiles look disappointed by this remark, and Liam, who looks uncomfortable, looks around. His eyes widen in alarm when he sees something in the distance under the catwalk."Scott...? That guy's not moving at all..." Liam points out.

All the men turn to see what Liam is looking at and find that a man's body is laying in a puddle of blood several meters away under the catwalk. Argent, Scott, and Liam all reflexively start to walk toward it, but Stiles grabs Scott by the elbow and makes a face as if to say, "Are you kidding me?" Scott jerks his head toward the body as he looks at his best friend, and Stiles reluctantly follows after them. When they finally make it to the body, they all look horrified when they see that the victim's chest and abdomen has been completely torn to shreds by large claws.

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