Condition Terminal

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Parrish lies on his couch flipping a playing card. It features the queen of diamonds and the queen looks like Lydia.

On the counter in his living room, there are coils of wire and what appears to be a jar full of electrical switches.

He remembers when he and Lydia were exploring his supernatural nature. He asks if Lydia is going to do a magic trick. She says he is but he says he only knows one and it is done with a playing card.

Lydia plans to burn his hand with a disposable butane lighter. She reminds him that he walked away from being set on fire in a car but he says he had to pay for the uniform.

Parrish remembers the lighter trick from the movie, Lawrence of Arabia. Lydia says the trick in that film was "not minding." The first time the fire hurts and he pulls away. Lydia tells him not to think about the fire or pain and tries it again. The flame is on so long the lighter heats up to the point that it burns Lydia's thumb.

Parrish's skin is blackened but he rubs away the soot and his hand is unharmed.

Lydia asks what Parrish was thinking about while he was looking at her. He relates a recurring dream he's been having for 6 months in which he is walking in the woods carrying a badly burned body toward a giant stump. Lydia recognizes that it's the Nemeton and explains that the druid power centre is probably what drew Parrish to town in the first place. She calls it a "Beacon for supernatural creatures" and says "It might even make them more powerful."

Lydia presses for more details of the dream but Parrish says he doesn't remember anything after laying the body down on the rings of the tree.

Back on his sofa, he does the one trick he knows. He flips the queen of diamonds and a black burned smudge appears on her face. He flips the card again and the smudge disappears. He slides the card to the side revealing two cards, one with the smudge and one without.

He remembers the rest of the dream. He and the Nemeton are on fire and there are burning bodies piled up all around the stump.

Kanima Fight

In the final moments of the fight between the pack and Tracey, Donovan is still in his cell at the Beacon Hills Sheriff Station. He can hear the growls from the fight in the basement and screams for someone to let him out.

The Dread Doctors enter. One of them waves a hand in front of the electronic key card reader and the cell door unlocks and rolls back. Donovan backs away into the cell.

Scott, Stiles, Theo and Deaton arrive at the Sheriff's Office. Scott rushes to help Sheriff Stilinski. Stiles spots Lydia with Kira applying pressure to her wound and Liz muttering a spell. He stands in the doorway and hesitates. Theo whips off his belt, shoves Stiles out of the way and applies a tourniquet to Lydia's wound.

Deaton finds Tracey's tail, shows it to Scott and covers it with his coat.

Mrs Martin comes up from the basement, sees Lydia and freaks out.

Scott follows the blood trail out of the main office and calls for Stiles to come with him. Theo says Lydia is alright. Lydia says Stiles should go help Tracy. He obviously doesn't want to leave her but, at her insistence and his father's urging, he goes to help Scott anyway. Deaton follows them down.

They find Malia standing over Tracy's lifeless body. Her first instinct is to deny responsibility for the other girl's death. She explains that "There were these people. They had masks." She explains that they were strong and had a weapon and repeats that she is not responsible.

Deaton points out that Tracy is not reverting to human form meaning her nature would be obvious to anyone examining the body. Sheriff Stilinski refuses to allow them to take her. He says they can't tamper with the crime scene. Deaton points out that the alternative is to call a press conference and explain about the supernatural creatures living in the town. The sheriff is obviously uncomfortable but acquiesces.

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