Riders on the Storm

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The lights are flickering in the deserted hospital, where the floors in the halls are covered with scraps of paper and dead leaves blown in by the wind. Down the main hallway, toward the elevator, where the metal doors are groaning under Liam's hands as he wrenches the doors open with his super strength.

Now free to move around, Liam and Liz slowly walk out of the elevator, visibly uneasy as a result of how quiet and abandoned the building appears to be. Liam sees the faraway look in Liz's eyes and grabs her hand in an attempt to silently comfort her. 

When they reach the emergency room receptionist desk, they both get a bad feeling and look down an adjacent hall, though Liam is confused when he finds nothing amiss. 

"Liam," Liz breaks the silence while squeezing Liam's hand. 

He turns around and his eyes widen in alarm at the sight of the same list of cities as the Phantom Train Station on the wall behind the reception desk. He follows her gaze to the top city row, which shuffles between several different towns before stopping at "BEACON HILLS." The arrival time for the train is 2:20 AM, and the other visible cities include Bodie, Boneville, Pripyat, Bannack, Skido, Canaan, Garnet, Harappa, and Red Bird.


Stiles and Selene are staring at the same bulletin board of city names and their arrival times while in the captivity of the Wild Hunt. After a moment, what appears to be a train ticket blows across the floor in the wind, and when they look down at it, they suddenly hear two familiar voices calling their names.

"Lydia?" Stiles wonders at the same time Selene nearly whispers "Brett." hopefully.

"Attention all passengers-- the train will be arriving in twenty-five minutes," The PA system announces.

"Is it me or did that voice sound familiar?" Selene wonders.

"Lydia and Brett's?" Stiles asks as if her comment didn't make sense.

"No, the PA." Selene shakes her head. "But you're also hearing them?"

"Yeah, what if..." Stiles turns to Selene with a hopeful smile. Selene meets it with the same expression. They start to follow the voices. Only, the other people in the station had gotten up and were walking in that direction, obstructing the two teens' pad. Then a shot sounds and the people part like the red sea.

"Give the kids some room," Stilinski says.

"Dad? Dad!" Stiles flies in his dad's arms and they hug each other tightly.

"Oh, thank God. Oh, I found you. I can't believe I found you."

"Dad, Selene and I can hear Lydia and Brett. I think... I think we can get to them. I think they can get us out of here."

"You need to get out of here. Don't worry about me."

"What? You're kidding, right?"

"Go. Get help. Find your friends."

"Yeah? And what about you?"

"We'll find each other again."


"Stiles... I'll hold them back. Now, get the hell out of here. Go. Go!"

Selene grabs Stiles and nods at the Sheriff. They run towards the train tracks and the light. They again hear Lydia and Brett's voices calling to them, urging them to keep going.


"Stiles! Selene! Keep going! I can see you! Don't stop!" Lydia and Brett urge. The light fades. "Stiles? Selene?"

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