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Aaron enters the morgue, opens the drawer containing the faceless bloody lump of a body, opens his mouth, and spews spiders onto it. The insects quickly burrow into the skinless lump as Aaron collapses on the floor. After a moment, the faceless rises to a sitting position.


Quinn has a flat tire. She soon finds herself surrounded by large men. One of them removes an arrow from the tire and asks if she's ever seen anything like it before. They move to attack her. She bears her fangs and fights back, incapacitating all of the men.

A Beacon County Sheriff's vehicle pulls up. Quinn is relieved to see a deputy, but the officer pulls her service weapon and fires at the young woman.


Liz tosses and turns like she's having a nightmare. She gasps awake and shakes her head. She calmly walks out of bed and down the stairs, it's like she's in some kind of daze. She walks outside on her bare feet. She stares in front of her as she walks on the leaves covering the earth.

Suddenly an hand grabs her arm and turns her around. She pulls back harshly before she realises it's Selene.

"What are you doing? Are you okay?" The older girl asks concerned.

"What-?" Liz looks around her and only now seems to realise she's not in her bed anymore. She turns to Selene with a puzzled and slightly scared expression. "I have no idea"


 Scott and Selene walk into Liam's bedroom to see him hiding under the covers. They share a look.

"Liam..." Scott begins.

"No, I'm-I'm sick. I'm sick," Liam immediately protests pulling the covers closer.

"You're not sick,"

"Yeah, I'm, like, deathly ill. It's serious. I think... I think it's the flu."

"It's not flu season."

"You can still get the flu even if it isn't flu season," Selene points out and Scott shoots her a pointed look. "But, Uhm, Liam, you're a Werewolf-- you can't get sick."

"But you know what you can get? Is in trouble for being late to school. So, come on. Let's go." Scott pulls the covers causing a struggle with Liam. The young werewolf ends up at the end off his bed with the covers mainly on the floor.

"I don't think I should go to school. Or outside. Or anywhere. Ever again," Liam enlightens. Selene gives him an understanding look.

"It doesn't matter what you think, okay? Because you gotta go. Now, all you do is pretend like nothing happened," Scott says and Selene looks over at him incredulously. 

"Pretend? I'm just supposed to pretend?" Liam asks.

"Think of it like when Superman gets caught with his glasses off. You know, he doesn't give up. He puts them back on and says, 'I'm still Clark Kent.'" 

"You want him to wear glasses?" Selene asks.

"No! You're not helping," Scott accuses and Selene raises her hands in surrender. "I want you to go to school, okay? And be Liam Dunbar. Just like how Superman has to be Clark Kent, like Spiderman, and Captain America..."

"Captain America is just Steve Rogers." Liam nods in agreement to Selene while Scott looks at them like they're speaking an ancient language.

"He doesn't have to pretend, everyone already loves him. Unlike us, who everyone hates. They hate us for trying to save their lives," Liam complains. Selene sighs and pulls the covers back before Liam can hide in them again.

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