Broken Glass

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Chris Argent arrives in Cabeceiras, Brazil to meet with a police contact. The officer pulls a gun, he says an Argent asking to meet alone in the middle of the night requires precautions. He then demands that Argent disarm. The hunter removes a gun from a holster, another from his waistband, and a knife from his sleeve.

Chris presents the officer with an envelope full of cash. He acts insulted at the "bribe" but Chris says the money is for information. The man tells him he'll need a lot more money if he wants people to talk. He says they're superstitious and afraid. After Chris explains he can be "open-minded" about superstitions, the police officer relents and tells the story.


There are several bloody dead bodies inside a damaged, partially burned shed. From the claws visible on the victims, it's apparent they were werewolves. The officer says the police weren't the only ones investigating the mass murder. walks around the crime scene, he touches what appear to be letters written in blood on the corrugated metal wall of the shed.

Sometime later, many heavily armed men are stacking crates of guns in a bullet-riddled and rundown warehouse. There are several cars parked inside and covered with tarps. A door opens and the man on guard goes to investigate. He is knocked out by an unseen assailant. Hearing the commotion, another of the men goes to look.

The policeman explains to Argent that Derek came in broad daylight, attacking in silence, and took them out one by one. "They said he moved with impossible speed, his teeth as sharp as razors. He stood more than 8' tall."


Chris stops the officer's story at this point to question the size assigned to Derek in the retelling. The officer explains that it's a small town with big superstitions. He continues the story saying that the attacker's eyes glowed blue.

Derek interrogates the last of the men in the shed. The cornered man calls him "lobo homem" in Portuguese and then "Wolf Man" in English.


Derek is attacked from behind but easily disarms and subdues two attackers. He turns back to the man he's questioning and asks why they're hunting werewolves. The man is very forthcoming saying "Because of you, he wants you." He asks the man who he's talking about. When he hesitates to answer, Derek shows fangs and glowing eyes and lunges forward, pinning him to the concrete floor.


The policeman concludes the story, "Gerard. They all said 'Gerard.'" Chris collects his weapons and says he needs to find Derek. The officer continues, "You can't just find him. They said he turned into a wolf and disappeared into the fog." Chris insists he drove a car, but the man says "The lobisomem drives no car."


In the shed, Derek spies the cars under the tarps and goes to check them out. He removes the sheet from one and reveals what appears to be a 2018 Chevy Camaro. He drives it through the doors of the shed and out into the dirt streets beyond.


In the morning, the police officer takes Chris to the scene of the mass murder of werewolves. He explains that there were 12 bodies and INTERPOL put out a "red alert" for Derek. On the corrugated metal wall, the words "Beacon Hills" are written in what appears to be blood. The officer asks if the hunter knows what it means. Chris says it's where it all started and where it's all going to end.


Monroe has gathered all of the Hunter army and their recruits to the armory, where they are watching as she tortures Ethan and Brett, who are bound to the metal gate and are being electrocuted where Theo, Jiang, Elias, and Tierney were tortured several days earlier. Ethan and Brett, who both have their fangs out, look exhausted and in agony, as they catch their breath when the shock subsides, their faces covered in blood from their time in captivity.

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