Werewolves of Londen

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Ethan paces in his flat overlooking the Thames River in London, England. He repeatedly attempts to call someone but keeps getting an automated voicemail message. He becomes increasingly frustrated as time ticks down to and then beyond the opening curtain of the show he and his boyfriend are supposed to see for their anniversary.

Jackson Whittemore is thrown through the door of the flat, apparently unconscious. A woman dressed in black follows and promptly shoots Ethan in the chest with a dart. He gasps and exhales purple wolfsbane smoke from his lungs and collapses to the floor. The woman's male companion reminds her that they need to ask them questions, on orders from someone else, before they kill them.

She says Ethan and his "boyfriend" have been tracking other werewolves and she wants to know their names. Ethan notices Jackson's claws extend and tells the woman she should have used Yellow Wolfsbane saying "regular wolfsbane won't work on him because he's not just part Werewolf. He's part Kanima."

Jackson breaks the rope tying his hands, grabs a silver ice bucket and brains the male attacker. Ethan smiles. The woman fires another dart at Jackson, which he catches just before it hits his chest. His eyes glow blue as he attacks her. They fight throughout the apartment. Ethan cringes as they break an antique bowl, a lamp, and some recently framed pictures of him and Jackson.

Jackson gains the upper hand and the woman is knocked out. He scoffs at the idea that Ethan thought he'd forgotten their anniversary. They kiss.


Scott sits in the waiting area at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital as doctors perform surgery on his mother. He's honed his hearing to the point where he can hear every word, the beeping monitors, and his mother's heartbeat. Dr. Geyer says the bullet missed the ascending aorta and that the brachiocephalic artery is intact. He removes the bullet. Scott is joined by Malia who places her hand over his clenched hands. The doctor says Melissa will be okay and Scott relaxes. He takes Malia's hand in his.

Later a nurse injects a sedative into Melissa's IV and tells Scott that he only has a few minutes before it takes effect. Scott stands at his mother's bedside. She is very weak but she tells him not to run, insisting that he stay and fight.

Scott goes to check on his father and finds his hospital bed empty. Sheriff Stilinski explains that Agent McCall was transferred to "San Francisco Memorial" and will be fine. The Sheriff goes on to explain that Mason is out of surgery and Lydia is "all right" too. He says "the bullet missed everything that matters" and everyone is going to live. The sheriff promises to post deputies outside each of their rooms, cordoning off the entire floor, to protect the wounded pack members.

The sheriff says he'll find out who shot up Scott's house. Scott says the sheriff and everyone else already knows who is responsible.

Isaac, Selene and Malia catch up to him in the hallway.

"What do we do now?" Malia asks.

"No more peace summits. No more running. No more half-measures," Scott replies.

"Good. What's the plan?" Isaac asks.

"We fight back,"

"I'm good with that plan," Malia says.

"Plan?" Isaac asks. "That's not a plan,"

"And Gerard? Monroe? The Hunters? We take them all on," Scott adds. Isaac and Selene share a look.

"Then we're gonna need more firepower," Isaac decides to just comment.

"Not just firepower," Selene corrects. "We're gonna need an army."


Sheriff Stilinski confronts Tamora Monroe in his office. She denies shooting up Scott's house. The sheriff already knows she wasn't directly involved because a surveillance camera caught her outside the school at the time of the crime. He knows she's behind the violence against supernaturals and says he wants Gerard.

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