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In the New Mexico desert, Kira and Noshiko face three Skinwalkers. Kira manages to hold them off for a bit with her sword. She is blinded by some dust and ends up pinned to the rocks with a spear through her shoulder.

The Skinwalkers say Kira is frightened of herself. They say they will try to help her. If they can't, if Kira fails, she will be forced to stay with them and become a Skinwalker like them forever.


Stiles is outside Scott's house working on his Jeep with Selene. Inside, Liam is waiting when Scott comes downstairs. Liam is eager to tell Scott about the resurrected chimaera and Theo's pack but Scott says he already knows. He is surprised and pleased to learn that Hayden is back from the dead. Scott is in a hurry to find Kira. He says he, Selene and Stiles are heading to Shiprock, New Mexico. Liam wants to help but Scott says no. He tells him not to do anything until he gets back.

"So, what did he want?" Stiles asks.

"To help" Scott replies. Stiles picks up a socket wrench so he can continue to work on the Jeep while he and Scott talk.

"You gonna let him?" Selene asks.

"Eventually, I guess..." Scott replies. Stiles stops what he's doing and looks Scott in the eyes.

"Okay, but shouldn't he be a little higher on your priority list right now? I mean, since he's the only other actual werewolf who's wereabouts we know and that's not Selene? Your only actual Beta?" Stiles points out.

"You didn't see the way he came at me. You didn't see the look in his eyes..." Scott tries to explain and Selene scoffs.

"Well, I've been with you on a full moon, so I've seen that look" Stiles explains. They all sigh and think about their current situation before Stiles finally speaks up again.

"You want to get the band back together, Scott? You don't leave out the drummer" Stiles tells his friend. Scott sighs, frustrated but knowing Stiles is right, just as Stiles hops into the driver's seat and turns the key in his ignition, causing the Jeeps engine to roar as it successfully turns on. Scott looks impressed by the fact that Stiles got it to work, and Stiles pumps his fist in satisfaction. "Success! Yes!"Scott and Stiles hop into the Jeep, with Stiles in the driver seat, Scott in the passenger seat and Selene in the back. Scott and Stiles look at Selene.

"He sent me a text saying: 'No offence but I'm driving my own car'" Selene explains.

"What's wrong with mine?" Stiles asks kinda offene

"Ask the six very large bottles of oil in the trunk"

"Okay, we're going"


Theo and Tracey pursue the Beast to the high school Theo says they're not trying to catch it. Inside, the message "Damnatio Memoriae" is scrawled across the lockers but can only be seen using Theo's werewolf eyes. Theo says the messages are the means by which the Dread Doctors hope to get the beast to remember who it was.

Tracy points out that it's just another chimaera with a kid inside. Theo says the Dread Doctors don't care. They just needed a body because they couldn't resurrect the beast out of thin air. The teenager inside is just a side effect. Theo says the beast is probably unaware that it becomes human during the day.

Tracy explains that she read about the beast killing 113 people. Theo says it was closer to 500 according to the Dread Doctors. They hear the beast around the corner in the school hallway. Tracy flicks her claws and heads that way. She finds the Pathologist and attacks. She is knocked into a locker and is downed with little effort. The Surgeon shows up and tells Theo to leave, that he already has his pack. Theo complains that it wasn't enough. Getting a pack didn't make him an Alpha, that he's not even a real werewolf.

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