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Deaton, Cheryl, Reed and Vadim enter a fenced-in area at a plant with radiation warning signs posted in Russian. Deaton comments that his companion doesn't believe the stories about radiation and the man says the location is not a nuclear plant.

Inside there is, also in Russian, saying "they come, they come for all of us." The story told about the place includes men with masks that they never take off and myths about them having no faces. They use the ouroboros (a snake eating its own tail) as their symbol.

Deaton finds a door with the symbol and inside they find a laboratory with several skulls and a fetus in a jar. There is also a very large tooth. Deaton explains that they are failed experiments, some performed in utero.

Deaton decides they should flee but his companion is shot. The Desert Wolf appears and tells Deaton not to move.

"Easy, Doctor. I know you have skills, but I'm pretty sure I can shoot faster than you could hit" The woman taunts Cheryl growls but Reed stops her. "Now, there's a smart guy. Do you know who I am?" she asks Reed.

"No, but I know what you're called," Reed says, having recognised the familiar scent of a werecoyote. "The Desert Wolf".


Scott runs through the woods. He stops on the edge of a cliff and howls. Malia catches up and Scott says there is no scent, no way to track Liam and Hayden. Malia points out that Liam can howl back. Scott says he can only if he heard.


Mellisa has called Sheriff Stilinski to deal with the dead body in her kitchen. She asks him to leave his badge outside meaning he needs to deal with this as her friend and not the sheriff. He hesitates but decides to do as she asks.

Once inside, the Sheriff asks if anyone has seen Kira. Melissa ponders if the murder might be some sort of message to Scott. The Sheriff radios dispatch and says they have a 187 (Homicide) at 821 Williamson Road. Melissa slaps him hard across the face.

Melissa says he knows Kira isn't responsible. He says it is a murder and is his responsibility to handle it within the parameters of the law. She says their kids are always dealing with things outside the law. He counters that they are not above the law.

(My thoughts during this scene were: You literally asked her to break the law while asking for the medical files which was the same day. Like wtf)


Kira is walking down the middle of Highway 115. Deputy Clark finds her and talks her into getting into her patrol car. Kira says she came out to the road to remember something. Clark handcuffs her and radios in that she has the suspect.


Theo turns Stiles' Jeep right-side-up outside the vet clinic. They hear over the scanner that Kira is under arrest for homicide.


At the Dread Doctors' lair, Liam is still on the floor. A device is attached to his arm with a thick tube running into his skin. Hayden is face down on an operating table as the doctors work around her. An alarm sounds and the Pathologist walks to a large liquid-filled cylinder with a body inside, takes a syringe and removes some of the liquid.

At the examining table The Genescist uses ultraviolet light to examine Hayden's skin. A scale-like pattern glows blue under the light. The Surgeon says "her condition worsens." Liam screams at them to leave her alone and wolfs out. The Pathologist kicks him in the head.


Parrish, covered in soot, is taking a shower when his phone rings. He wraps a towel around his waist and answers it. He says it's 4 in the morning but is told that the sheriff has called everyone in because of the latest murder.

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