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The Beast lands in the middle of a dark road. Sirens can be heard in the distance. A group of Sheriff's vehicles are racing down the road with Scott and Stiles close behind in the jeep. A series of radio calls describe what they're seeing.

Clark– Unit 5 heading northwest on Crescent. Reporting an incredibly large something. 

Unit 9 – Unit 9 to dispatch. I think I've got eyes on the same thing. It's some kind of rabid animal.

Deputy Clark – Unit 5 to 9. Trust me, that's no animal.

In another location, in the midst of what looks to be a multi-car pileup, Deputy Strauss (Aaron Thornton) is the only officer on scene.

Deputy Strauss– Unit 6 to dispatch. We have a situation downtown involving multiple fatalities. 

Dispatch – Copy. Medics on the way. Do you have a perp in sight Unit 6? 

Deputy Strauss - Negative. Looks like a 1091-E, Animal Attack. Dispatch – 10-4. Can you say what kind of animal?

Back on the road with the other deputies, Stiles decides to act.

Stiles – All units stay back. Do not engage. I repeat. Do not engage. 

Sheriff Stilinski– Stiles! Get off the radio. All unit alert. Wait for backup. Repeat. No one goes near this thing. 

Deputy Clark – Unit 5 reporting a sighting off Hill Road southbound. 

Unit 9 – Unit 9. I've got it turning off Oak Ridge, southbound on Beachwood. Dispatch – All units. This is Dispatch. We've got a 911 call with an additional sighting on Mitcham.

At this news, the Sheriff pushes the accelerator further.

In the Jeep, Scott and Stiles realize that the sightings suggest the beast's destination.

Stiles – Dad. 

Sheriff – Stiles get off this channel! 

Stiles – Dad just listen to me. He's headed for the hospital. All right? He's headed for Beacon Memorial. Do you hear me? He's headed for the hospital.


Selene is working at work at BEACON HILLS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL and has apparently just received word from Sheriff Stilinski about the current threat because she is currently standing behind the nurse's station as she loudly gives instructions through the PA system for the employees and patients frantically bustling through the halls.

"Again, this is a Code White-- a full hospital evacuation. All critical patients will be taken by ambulance to Hill Valley" Selene announces. 

Suddenly, the ground starts to shake beneath their feet as a loud thumping noise is heard several floors below them, affecting the electrical system to the point where the lights flicker above them as the people in the halls scream in fright and run faster toward the exits. Selene's eyes widen in alarm, but she forces herself to stay calm as she walks toward the elevator as the hallways clear out. 

"Selene!" Selene hears Mellisa (who was evacuating on a lower floor) yell and her eyes glow red. The elevator doors start to open and a loud growling noise echoes through the hall.


Sheriff – Unit 5. Clark, I need eyes on Parrish. Does anyone have Parrish's 20? 

Dispatch – All units. We have a 911 emergency call reporting a man on fire running into Beacon Memorial. 

Sheriff – Clark disregard.

Scott and Stiles enter the hospital followed quickly by the sheriff. They hear loud growls coming from above. Scott says they're on the fourth floor. They find charred bits and some still parts of the hallway still burning. As they turn the corner a flaming man comes flying past them and smacks into the wall. Parrish's flames disappear followed a few seconds later by the fire in his eyes. He seems dazed until the Sheriff shouts at him.

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