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Scott, Selene, Liam, Liz, Mason, Isaac, and Theo are in the reception area of the clinic, where they are listening to a voicemail left on a small flip phone that they found on the flayed corpse's body at the Primal's lair the previous evening. The caller is a female whose voice is familiar but generic enough to where no one can identify her.

"Hey, it's me again. I, uh, don't know why you can't seem to call me back. Maybe it's because you think you're punishing me. But, this is too long. It-it's too much. It's not about us. Something's happening in Beacon Hills, to the people here. I just... I just, I need to know everyone there with you is okay. So, can you just please, please call me. Please? One call. That's all I'm asking for. And, if you can't call me back, then I'm going to get my answer anyway. That means I'm coming up there myself if I don't get a call from you. I'm coming up there. So, just try... try to remember... it's my pack, too."

When a beep is heard to indicate the end of the message, Scott walks over to where the phone was set on the desk and flips it closed before looking at the others. Liam and Mason are sitting on the nearby desk, while Theo leans against the door frame and looks out the foggy glass entrance, Selene and Isaac are leaning against the wall opposite Scott. After a moment, Theo turns to face the others. 

"You pulled this off of one of the bodies in the woods?" He asks. 

"Malia did," Liam corrects. 

"Yeah, there're six dead bodies. One of them had no face," Scott explains.  Theo's expression is one of intense concentration as he walks over to join them behind the reception desk. 

"Okay, so the one with no face-- do you think that's the woman on the phone?"

"That is a stupid deduction," Selene points out. 

"Then what?"

"Obviously the phone belongs to the person the woman was trying to reach. That's the faceless body."

"It's the same thing that happened to Aaron. It took over his body, basically stole his face and his DNA. So, that means whoever this woman was trying to reach, they could be the other half of the Anuk-ite," Mason realizes. 

"Which means she's just half of the problem. The other half, we already know about," Theo reminds them. He gestures to Liam to emphasize his point. "Aaron."

"We don't know where he is, though," Liam points out. 

"Okay, hold on. Aren't we supposed to keep both halves apart? We know about one half. Let's just go for that one! That's Aaron."

Mason sighs. "I'm not agreeing with Theo, but... I do think it would be easier to track down Aaron over a voice on the phone..."

Liam makes a face and waggles his finger at Mason. "That's agreeing with Theo."

"Oh no, how horrendous. How dare he agree with Theo," Liz comments, sarcasm dripping from her words. 

Theo sighs and rolls his eyes in Liz's direction before speaking up in an offended tone of voice. "Is everyone completely shocked that I might be right?"

"We never said we think you're dumb. You're just annoying," Selene clarifies. 

"Maybe we're all right. Maybe we should be looking for both-- Aaron and the woman on the phone." Scott stares at both Mason and Theo. "And, since you both agree..."

Mason immediately hates the sound of this suggestion. "Wait, you mean me--"

 "-And him?" Theo finishes. 

Scott nods in confirmation. "Yeah. You two find Aaron." He turns to Selene. 

"Right, Isaac and I are heading to New Orleans to make sure Cheryl and Reed are okay. Liam and Scott figure out whose voice is on the phone. And Liz it might be best if you go with team Aaron."

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