The Fox and the Wolf

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(A/N: Two separate stories run through this episode. I have separated them into two sections "The Search for Stiles" and "Birth of the Nogitsune" to make it easier to follow each narrative.) Birth of the Nogitsune: 

In 1943 two soldiers are offloading the bodies of dead Americans into a field at night. Merrick (Jackson Heywood) is riddling Hayes (Josh Duvendeck).

The riddles are:

Q. "What gets broken without being held?" A. "A promise." Q. "What has teeth but doesn't bite?" A. "A comb." Q. "What has a neck but no head?" A. "A bottle."

Hayes is not amused. As they return to the truck to retrieve two gas cans, a bandaged figure stands up from the pile of bodies.

Its mouth is a bloody gash with shiny silver teeth.

It begins advancing on them. Hayes fires a handgun into the creature several times but it never slows. Reaching the gun-wielding man, the figure twists the weapon in his hand and fires several shots into the soldier's guts.

It then rounds the truck to Merrick who is attempting to reach the safety of the cab. It grabs him by the ears and shouts "What has a neck but no head?" It then rips the soldier's head from his neck. 


On a Saturday afternoon, Mr Yukimura is preparing his blackboard in the history classroom. He notices a fly buzzing around and, when it lands on his desk, he crushes it with a textbook.

Nogitsune/Stiles enters and comments on the teacher's dedication for working on the weekend. He is looking for Mrs Yukimura's "tails" which are hidden inside a book in the classroom. The Nogitsune doesn't seem to understand how she was able to physically manifest her tails as daggers but he does know "the older the tail, the stronger the Oni" meaning the one she has left will summon the strongest of the demon warriors.

Mr Yukimura feigns ignorance but 'Stiles' is confident that he will talk. He then lifts the textbook, the fly is alive and flies directly into Mr Yukimura's mouth. He begins to cough and choke. 


In Kira's room, she and Scott examine a picture of a woman and a man from 1943. The woman looks exactly like Kira and they speculate that it might be her grandmother. Scott relates how the picture came to him through Malia. It was taken from the body in the wall in the basement of Eichen House along with a Katana and scabbard or Saya. Kira's phone buzzes with a text, it's her father. 


They rush to the school and find Kira's mom trying to comfort her husband who is still choking on the floor where Stiles left him. Kira has brought with her a small vial that her mother says contains "Reishi" which Kira describes as "magic mushrooms." The fungus does the trick and within a couple of seconds, Mr Yukimura coughs up a black fluid and is fully recovered.

Mrs Yukimura says Stiles was after the last of her Kaiken or daggers but that she has kept the final one near her ever since Stiles first disappeared.

Kira shows her the picture and asks if it is her grandmother. Noshiko admits that the picture is of her. 


Back in 1943, Hayes, Merrick and Corporal Rhys are offloading supplies at Camp Oak Creek. They come up one crate of apples short and we see a young Noshiko Yukimura is deftly stealing the supplies from the truck unseen by the soldiers. 


"If that's you, then you'd have to be like 90 years old," Scott says confused.

"Closer to 900," Selene says as she enters the room. 

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