Creatures of the Night

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 A crow swoops down onto the metal gate outside Eichen House. Inside the mental facility, Lydia Martin stands under a steaming shower there is an angry red scar or bruise on her side just below her ribs. Nurse Cross stands nearby with a towel waiting. She is impatient and says she believes Lydia is faking catatonia and is just waiting for the staff to drop their guard.

(Catatonia is a state of apparent unresponsiveness to external stimuli in a person who is apparently awake.)

Lydia is immobile, staring straight ahead with a blank expression. Nurse Cross demands that Lydia look at her but gets no response. She grabs Lydia's face but the girl's eyes never focus and when the nurse lets go, Lydia resumes her prior stance and stare.

Later, Lydia is led past a number of glassed-in cells populated by other patients. Cross is joined by an orderly, Schrader (Clayton Fronning), and they continue to discuss Lydia's "performance" as a non-responsive catatonic.

With Lydia back in her own cell, Schrader prepares a syringe of an unknown clear drug. Cross orders him to "up the dose to 3 mils" meaning 3 milligrams. She says it will truly make Lydia catatonic.

Schrader seems to draw some sort of pleasure from injecting Lydia. He slides the needle into her arm but claims he can't find the vein. He repeats the process and a tiny bit of blood flows back into the syringe. He says he needs to find a bigger vein and goes for her neck but Lydia snaps upright and screams causing the lights to explode in the room.

She is quickly up and out of her cell. Two orderlies have her cornered in the hallway. She takes on one directly using heretofore unseen martial arts skills to incapacitate him. The other orderly is now upon her and she pushes him back with both hands and screams. Waves of power seem to emanate from her hands and propelled by the scream, send the orderly flying down the hall. Several of the overhead light fixtures explode.

Lydia makes it outside. It's raining and security guards come at her from all sides. Again, with a mix of martial arts and her new scream powers, she manages to beat them all. She heads for steps leading down to the street but is stopped by a shadowy figure walking slowly up the stairs.

It is Aiden, her former lover who died killing the last Oni. He tells her she has to go back and finish her treatment. Security guards begin shocking her with taser-prods. Lydia is distraught. She says she has to get to her friends to warn them that they're all going to die. 


(This episode is dedicated to Tyler Posey's mother Cyndi Garcia-Posey who died of cancer late in 2014. I was gonna say it in the cast chapter but I wanted to make sure everyone read it. May she rest in peace)


Scott and Selene are sitting on the hood of Stiles' jeep looking up at a full moon. Stiles has a San Francisco Bay area map open next to him and is discussing how expensive apartments can be in some areas of town (the Mission District and Haight-Ashbury). Scott suggests Berkley saying "a lot of students live around there" but Stiles says the Jeep would burn through a lot of clutches on Nob Hill. 

"You should have taken Liz offer to help you actually repair this thing" Selene chuckles and Stiles rolls his eyes. 

"Wait, you're bringing the Jeep?" Scott asks.

"You know the plan, okay? No one gets left behind. That's the plan. Lydia and Selene aren't gonna have a problem getting into Stanford. Kira's thinking USF. I have no idea what Reed and Cheryl are gonna do. Malia's, uh, gonna, you know, she'll figure something out, okay. The plan's perfect" Stiles explains

"Reed's going for UC Davis and I think Cheryl is planning for CalArts" Selene informs them.

"Cheryl likes art? You know what not the point. I have a vision. Okay? And it is a beautiful vision. Don't ruin the vision. Okay, we can check out the East Bay. Haven't looked at Oakland yet, you know" Stiles then realises Selene and Scott are both staring at the full moon. "You're all right? You're starting to feel it?"

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