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The students at Beacon Hills High School seem to have suffered a rash of hand injuries. All are wearing bloody white bandages on their hands. Edgar moves quickly but nervously down the hallway and into the library. He's cornered by Aaron and Gabe who grab him and cut his hand with a scalpel. Aaron says everybody has done it. Edgar protests that he's "not one of them," but Aaron cuts his hand anyway. He runs from the library. Aaron calls Gabe off and says he'll go after Edgar himself. The other students do their best to ignore what's happening.

In the locker room, Edgar washes the blood from his hand, and there is no sign of injury. Aaron is suddenly behind him. He demands to know what Edgar is. The boy's eyes flash yellow, and he says he's a werecoyote, his whole family too. Aaron wants to know what "else" he is, saying he's looking for someone who "can do more than just shift, someone like me." He grabs Edgar's wrist, and something under the skin moves down Aaron's arm and into Edgar's. The veins of his arm turn a dark red as whatever is in him crawls up the arm, into his neck and head.


FBI Agent McCall is questioning Nolan in Tamora Monroe's office. McCall says that Elias, Jiang, and Tierney escaped police custody "last night." Monroe adds that they injured a deputy, but McCall says he's heard the officer's wounds were self-inflicted. McCall wants to know if Jiang's been in touch with Nolan since they knew each other. Nolan explains that they're no longer friends. Seeing the student is in distress, Monroe ends the interview.

She chides the agent for harassing a student. He counters that she put a gun in his hand. She says she's teaching him how to protect himself. He says Nolan isn't in danger, the missing Jiang and Tierney are. She reminds him that the missing pair are the real killers. She then speculates that, because McCall doesn't have FBI backup, his bosses either don't believe there's a problem, or he hasn't told them "exactly what you're investigating."


Monroe exits her office to find a girl leaning against the wall next to the door. "Ah, the FBI, always getting involved with things they don't quite understand," 

"Can I help you?" Monroe questions.

"The name's Diana Aquila. I'm sure our mutual friend has told you about me,"

Realization passes over her face. "He has,"

Diana pushes herself away from the wall. "Good. My brother and I find your cause to be inspiring. Let us help,"

A smirk forms itself onto Monroe's face. "Gladly,"


Nolan runs to the locker room to catch his breath. He hears Edgar moaning for help. He finds the other boy laying on his back. There are small moving bumps under his skin. Suddenly his eyes, nose, and mouth erupt with thousands of spiders that quickly obscure his face.


Gerard meets with Agent McCall and someone from the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. The old hunter presents them with files he says are his "FFLs" or Federal Firearms License forms. He says they're all up to date. McCall examines the tag on one of the cases; it says 625, Stock No. 711432, Serial NO. AA-612243, Brand Name Colt Remington AR-15, Type Semi-Auto, Caliber/Gauge .223, Barrel Length 20". Gerard says the first number is the price and offers a law enforcement discount of 10% off to Agent McCall.

Looking around at the high shelves stacked with guns and ammo, McCall asks why Gerard has so much firepower. The old man counters that he's a federally licensed wholesaler and some people like to feel safe, "My staff and I sell peace of mind." McCall says Gerard's EDD (California Employment Development Department) roster says he has 30 employees, but there are enough guns in the room to arm 3000 people. Gerard says selling guns is the way he makes his living.

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