Lies of Omission

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In a conversation with Theo, Scott explains that five days have passed and that his reliance on his inhaler has increased.

A feeling of dread and foreboding seems to permeate the halls of school and everyone can sense something is coming.

There is a separation between the members of his pack as well. Scott says they are not talking to each other and sometimes don't even notice each other.

Scott senses that not talking makes it easier to keep secrets. We see Malia with pictures from her investigation of the Desert Wolf.

Scott says he doesn't know if his friends are lying about things or if it's more "lies of omission" as we see a shot of the wound on Stiles' shoulder from Donovan's "hand mouth".

Scott believes the worst lie is to Stilinski because they've yet to tell him about Parrish taking the chimaera bodies. They've also not told Parrish.

The Deputy is given a new name tag with "TRY NOT TO LOSE THIS ONE" written on the envelope. Scott explains that Parrish doesn't seem to remember taking the bodies and they believe he is only dangerous if someone tries to get in his way.

Lydia and Stiles are trying to find the Nemeton and the chimaera bodies they believe Parrish dumped there but Scott says finding the tree stump isn't easy. He relates the story of the "surrogate sacrifices" they used to find the Nemeton when the Darach took their parents.

Scott explains that the Sheriff has tasked all his deputies to track down and question every potential chimaera going off a list of those who had transplants or had, in some other way, become genetic chimaeras (two sets of DNA) through conventional means.

Deputy Clark has a clipboard with a "Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire" attached. Some of the questions visible are:

Have you experienced fugue states or incidents of missing time? During the past month, have you had any reason to wonder if you were losing your mind or losing control over the way you act, talk, think, feel, or of your memory? How much of the time, during the past month, have you been a very nervous person? During the past month, have you been in firm control of your behaviour, thoughts, emotions or feelings?

Scott says some of the deputies believe they are hunting a serial killer.

Deputy Clark sees her sister 's name on the list of those to be questioned. The other names visible include Rusty Andrews, Tom Owens and Chris Cook.

Scott says both Hayden and Corey are doing okay, healing fast and getting stronger. The cut in Hayden's side has healed. Scott says "they don't need our help." He says he doesn't believe they want his help anyway.

He still hasn't heard from Kira. Scott has placed a "Closed Until Further Notice" sign in the window of the animal clinic and says he is getting more and more worried about Deaton.

At the clinic, holding his inhaler, Scott tells Theo that he knows something is coming. He wonders how good he will be when it comes if can't even breathe.

Theo says Scott sounds like he is apologizing and Scott says he knows Theo was looking for a pack and he's just sorry that he found him.

Scott asks Theo if he still wants to be part of the pack. Theo says he's with them for better or worse and Scott says it's going to get worse to which Theo says, "I'm counting on it."


The Geneticist, with a syringe, withdraws fluid from the large, body-holding, tank in their lair. The dead body of a teenage boy lies on the examination table with a spike stuck through its back. The Geneticist walks over and injects the liquid from the syringe into the Surgeon's arm. The arm, which seems "frankensteined" from more than one body, is scarred and withered. After the injection, the flesh begins to plump up immediately and is soon restored to full vitality.

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