Chapter 3

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Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were all waiting for Kakashi on the bridge to start their training.

(Sasuke POV)
Sasuke was leaning against a tree while watching Naruto pace and rant about Kakashi - Sensei being late.

It was currently 10am Kakashi had told them that training would start at 8 am.

Sakura was trying to talk to Sasuke as he ignored her and she became increasingly annoyed as he didn't respond to anything that she was saying.

"When Kakashi - Sensei gets here I'm going to yell at him so much, he's tells us to get here at 8 and it's 10 now and he's not ever here." Naruto said as he crossed his arms and continued to grumble.

Sasuke eventually became annoyed at Naruto's complaining.

"Shut it dobe, he'll be here soon." Sasuke said as he closer his eyes and continued to lean against the tree.

Naruto then spun on Sasuke in anger.

"What did you call me?" Naruto asked as his anger continued to rise.

"A dobe cause you are one." Sasuke said as he still kept leaning against the tree with his eyes shut.

"I'll show you what a dobe can do." Naruto said as he started to walk angrily over to Sasuke.

Sakura then got in between them stopping a fight from breaking out between.

"Come on guys please don't fight, I have an idea how about we go find Kakashi - Sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Fine." Both the boys muttered.

"Ok let's go!" Sakura said as the three of them headed to the village in search of their sensai.

The three of them searched around the village for about 2 hours without having any luck.

"That's basically the whole village, where could Kakashi - Sensei be?" Naruto asked as he was holding his knees trying to catch his breath.

"We haven't checked the whole village." Sasuke said.

"Where haven't we checked?" Naruto asked as both he and Sakura looked confused.

"We haven't checked the cemetery yet." Sasuke said.

"Do we have to the cemetery is creepy." Naruto said as he waved his hands in front of himself as he looked uncomfortable.

"Yes we do, Kakashi - Sensei could be there." Sakura said as she and Sasuke started to walk to the ceremony leaving Naruto alone.

"Hey guys wait for me!" Naruto yelled as he ran to catch up.

Soon they arrived at the cemetery and spotted Kakashi crouching at a grave.

"Hey Kak-." Naruto was yelling to Kakashi before Sasuke put a hand over Naruto's mouth and pulled him along with Sakura who gave a little yelp as Sasuke grab her hand into the bushes along that side of the cemetery giving them cover from Kakashi.

Kakashi then looked in their direction, didn't see anyone and turned his attention back to Rin's grave.

"Sasuke what was that for?" Naruto said loudly.

"Shh." Sasuke said holding a finger to his own lips signaling Naruto to be quiet.

"We don't want Kakashi - Sensei to know that we're spying on him." Sasuke said in a hushed whisper.

"Oh ok." Naruto whispered back.

Both of them noticed that Sakura was being quiet and they turned their attentions to her.

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