Chapter 8

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Kakashi and the others had spent the last two days following Pakkun as he followed Rin's scent. Pakkun's tracking skills were so good that the scent was engrained within him so he wouldn't lose the scent.
They had already entered the land of wind following after the Akatsuki's trail.

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(Kakashi POV)
Kakashi was reading through Icha Icha Paradise and talking to Jiraiya about how much of a masterpiece his book is and Jiraiya was happy to see someone who is such a big fan. Kakashi and the others continued to follow Pakkun Kakashi glanced back at his students as well as seeing how the others were doing.

Sasuke was walking by himself slightly in front of some of the other students. Sasuke seemed to be  deep in thought, Kakashi could take a guess that he was thinking about facing Itachi and how the battle would go when he would inevitably face him.

Shikamura was walking with the other students, but not participating in their conversation. He was deep in thought, Kakashi could tell by the expression on his face and that he was staring into space. "He's probably thinking about the ways to take down the Akatsuki." Kakashi thought. In reality Shikamura was playing shogi against himself in his head.

Both Guy and Rock Lee were walking on their hands competing against each other. They had started this competition midway through the first day of traveling. Both of yelling about how the power of youth was flowing through their veins and helping them do this.

When Kakashi was younger he would have just scoffed or rolled his eyes at this deeming it ridiculous. Now Kakashi smiled slightly at Guy's actions with Lee. He had grown used to this, doing things like this are just a part of Guy.

Sakura and Ino were walking together talking to each laughing every once in awhile. They would glance over to Sasuke look at each other and giggle to themselves. Kakashi didn't want to know in a million years what Sakura and Ino were thinking and talking about between themselves.

Sai was keeping to himself as he took up the rear of the group looking around the scenery and drawing it into his sketch book.

Asuma and Kurenai were walking right next to each other talking to each other while holding hands. They would occasionally glanced at each of their students.

Kiba was walking along with Akamaru petting and talking to him as they continued to walk.

Choji was walking alongside Shikamura knowing that his friend wasn't in a talking mood as Choji just continued to eat a bag of chips.

Shino was communicating with with some insects to pass the time and get some information on how the upcoming towns and people were like.

Finally Naruto was talking to Gaara, with Naruto doing just about all the talking and Gaara nodding his head listening. Hinata walked right beside Naruto too shy to say anything as she listened to what Naruto was telling Gaara.

"Kakashi - Sensei can we stop for a break my legs are killing me." Naruto whined.

They had been walking for awhile so Kakashi relented. "Ok we'll stop for a break so everyone can rest for a bit." Kakashi said as everyone took up a resting spot with most of the students sitting on the grass with the exception of Sasuke and Gaara who leant against trees. The senseis stood and looked over their students while talking among themselves.

Kakashi was leaning against a tree with Pakkun sitting right next to him. Pakkun's ear then twitched as it picked up the rustling of movement. Kakashi heard the noise as well. "You pick up on that?" Pakkun asked looking up to Kakashi.

"Yes it seems like it came from that tree." Kakashi said looking at a tree opposite the side of the path they were on.

All the others had been listening to Kakashi and Pakkun's conversation as they all looked at the tree as well. "I'll take care of it." Gaara said as he stood in front of the tree and unleashed his sand into the branches of the tree grabbing the figure who was perched in the tree.

"Gaara let go of me!" Temari yelled as the sand held each her limbs in place as it pulled her out of the tree.

"Temari what are you doing here?" Gaara asked as the sand lowered her to the ground.

Temari brushed the sand off of herself before answering Gaara. "You said you were going on some important mission and some of the shinobi spotted you approaching the hidden sand so I decided to see if you guys could use any help." Temari said.

"By following us without telling us?" Shikamura asked as Temari shot a glare at him.

"Ok guys relax, we're all on the same team here." Naruto said stepping in between them.

Temari put her nose up and huffed as she turned her back to Shikamura who just ignored this.

"Ok now that we know that Temari is here we need to come up with a plan any ideas Kakashi?" Yamato asked as he turned to Kakashi.

"The best way for us to defeat the Akatsuki is to take them on one by one, so we need to split into groups to take them on." Kakashi said.

"So do you have any idea of how we should split into groups?" Guy asked looking at Kakashi as the others looked at him as well.

"They are 8 Akatsuki members so we need to split into 8 groups. The first group will be Naruto and Jiraiya." Kakashi said.

"Let's go pervy sage, no one can beat us." Naruto cheered as Jiraiya smiled at Naruto's enthusiasm.

The second group will be Asuma, Shikamura, and Temari." Kakashi said.

Asuma was fine with the group, as soon as Shikamura heard that Temari was in the group his expression fell. "I'm in a group with her out of all people what a drag." Shikamura thought to himself.

Temari noticed Shikamura's expression. "I swear to God Shikamura if you're thinking what a drag I'll kill you." Temari said.

Shikamura sweat dropped, and Temari unleashed her blind fury and ran at Shikamura. Thankfully Asuma was able to stop Temari before she could get to Shikamura holding both of them back. "Calm on you two get along." Asuma said trying to solve the issue.

Moving on the third group will be Guy and Rock Lee." Kakashi said.

"We will be the most youthful group there is and we will defeat them with our combined power of youth." Guy said cheering.

"Yes of course Guy - Sensei." Rock Lee said nodded his head vigorously at each word that Guy said.

"The fourth group will be Yamato, Ino, and Shino." Kakashi said.

Yamato smiled at Ino and Shino as Ino smiled at him Shino nodded at him.

The fifth group will be Gaara, Hinata and Sai."Kakashi said.

Hinata looked shyly at Gaara nervously as Gaara looked back at her knowing that he would have to protect her against an Akatsuki member.

The sixth group will be Neji, Choji, and Kiba." Kakashi said.

All of the boys smiled at each other happy that they were in the same group.

The seventh group will be Kurenai, Sakura, and Tenten." Kakashi said.

Kurenai was happy with the girls that she was with as Tenten and Sakura were happy that they were with Kurenai.

"The final group is Sasuke and myself." Kakashi said.

Everyone was surprised that Kakashi was only going to be with one of his students.

Sasuke was caught a bit of guard that he was with Kakashi as his eyes widened slightly.

"Are you ok with that Sasuke?" Kakashi asked smiling.

"Yeah it's fine." Sasuke said as his expression went back to normal.

"Now that we've got that settled let's continue on." Jiraiya said as they began to follow Pakkun again following Rin's scent.

However neither Kakashi nor Pakkun's enhanced senses could pick up the figures that were watching from the trees.

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