Chapter 22

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Kakashi quickly rushed through the hidden leaf village jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

(Kakashi POV)
"I really hope I'm not too late." Kakashi thought to himself as he continued to move throughout the village.

Kakashi started to berate himself. "I should have seen that Sasuke was going to do this sooner than later. I can't believe I didn't see this coming." Kakashi thought to himself as he neared where he knew Sasuke was.

Kakashi made it to where Sasuke was and his eye widen in shock as he saw the scene before him. Itachi was battling against Danzo on a bridge who had a sharigan in one eye and an entire arm full of sharigans.

"I knew Danzo was a scumbag and shady, but I never thought that he had something this missed up going on." Kakashi thought to himself.

Kakashi's visible eye then widen when he noticed something. Sasuke was sprawled out on the bridge with cuts all over his arms and legs. What really shook Kakashi to his core was the blood streaming from Sasuke's eye from overusing of his sharigan.

Kakashi frantically made his way over to Sasuke trying to assess the injuries that Sasuke had sustained.

Kakashi's heart nearly stopped beating when he made it to Sasuke. Sasuke had a large abdominal wound. Kakashi felt Sasuke for a pulse holding his fingers to Sasuke's neck. As Kakashi did he felt numb. "No, no,no!" Kakashi cried as he felt no pulse.

"Sasuke I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you. What kind of sensei am I if I can't protect my students." Kakashi said softly to himself as he crouched over Sasuke with tears following from both of Kakashi's eyes. The tears from his sharigan wetting his hitai-ate.

Kakashi's sadness soon turned to anger. "I'm going to kill that bastard!" Kakashi yelled as he ran towards Danzo and Itachi who were still fighting.

Neither of them noticed Kakashi running towards them. Kakashu funneled a lot of his chakra into his leg as he continued running towards the two. Kakashi jumped over Itachi's shoulder kicking Danzo in the chest sending him crashing into the wall behind causing the wall to crumple and fall on top of Danzo.

"I'm going to kill him!" Kakashi roared turning towards Itachi with anger seething from his voice and his eyes.

"Kakashi no." Itachi said pulling Kakashi back by his shoulder stopping him from moving towards Danzo.

"Why are you stopping me Itachi? I'm finishing that scum off!" Kakashi yelled his voice raw with emotion.

"Sasuke isn't dead yet." Itachi simply said.

That brought Kakashi out of his rage as his anger lessened. "What do you mean he's not dead?" Kakashi asked.

"He's not dead, but he will be soon if he doesn't get medical attention. He needs medical attention immediately, you do that Danzo is mine." Itachi said his voice cold dripping with rage. The sound of Itachi's voice sent chills down Kakashi's spine

Kakashi didn't look at how Itachi was going to handle Danzo. He was too focused on getting to Sasuke.

Kakashi immediately began performing medical ninjutsu on Sasuke. The green healing energy began emitting from Kakashi's hands.

The cuts on Sasuke's arms began to heal themselves. Kakashi's medical ninjutsu was pretty sloppy, he had picked up a thing or two from Rin and he had needed it to save himself once or twice in the past.

Kakashi then focused his attention on the abdominal wound Sasuke had obtained. Kakashi poured his chakra into the wound trying to at least stop the bleeding.

Sweat was starting to run down Kakashi's face as he continued trying to heal the wound. "Rin makes this look easy, it's a lot more difficult then it looks." Kakashi thought to himself as he finally finished and the wound messily stitched itself back together.

Kakashi then breathed a sigh of relief that he got the bleeding to stop. However, his job wasn't over as he needed to completely seal up the wound so infection wouldn't spread to it. Kakashi focused his chakra onto closing the wound, but he couldn't no matter what he couldn't seal the wound.

As Kakashi tried sealing the wound he heard a tearing noise. Kakashi's eyes widened in fear once he realized what was happening.

Sasuke's wound that Kakashi had healed ended up tearing and the bleeding only increased. "No, no, no this can't be happening!" Kakashi thought to himself as he frantically tried to mend the wound back together.
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(Rin POV)
Rin and the others reached the bridge to see Itachi battling against Danzo and Kakashi kneeling down on the bridge obscuring their view of the person that was in front of him.

Minato, Obito, and Naruto jumped down to the bridge and rushed to Itachi's side to help battle against Danzo.

Rin, Sakura and Kushina jumped down to the bridge to see what Kakashi was doing. Rin was the first one to reach Kakashi and she gasped when she laid her eyes on the scene before her. Sasuke was losing blood quickly from a massive wound, Kakashi's hands were covered in Sasuke's blood as he was drenched in sweat from the large amount of chakra he had already used to heal Sasuke.

"Rin please help." Kakashi said his voice barely above a whisper as tears flowed from his eyes.

"I'll do my best." Rin said as she took Kakashi's spot in front of Sasuke and began to heal Sasuke's injuries.

Rin started to sweat a bit when she started to heal the abdominal wound. "Sakura I'm going to need you to feed me chakra so I don't run out mid procedure." Rin said as she concentrated on healing Sasuke.

Sakura nodded as she began to give Rin chakra as Rin healed Sasuke. Kushina did her best to console Kakashi during this time.

After a minute, Rin was finally able to heal Sasuke. "Ok that should do it, Sasuke should be ok." Rin said.

Rin then fell to the side from chakra exhaustion. Luckily Kakashi was able to catch her.

Rin looked up at Kakashi. "Thanks for the save Kakashi." Rin said blushing slightly at being so close to him.

"No problem Rin thank you for saving Sasuke I really owe you one." Kakashi said.

The group then looked over to see what had happened with Danzo.

Itachi had ended up running Danzo through with Danzo's own sword. "That's for what you did to Sasuke." Itachi said as Danzo fell over the edge of the bridge and into the water down below.

"How's Sasuke doing?" Itachi asked as he limped over to Sasuke with the others following.

"He's in stable condition, he might need to be in the hospital for the next couple days, but he's ok." Rin said as Kakashi helped her into a sitting position.

"Thank you Rin for saving Sasuke, I am in your debt." Itachi said.

"It's really no big deal I'm just glad to help." Rin said smiling.

"Let's get back to the village and let Lady Tsunade know what happened." Minato said as the others nodded in agreement and began to head back to the village.

Itachi scooped Sasuke up and carried him back to the village on his back.

Kakashi surprised Rin by picking her up bridal style and started to head back to the viallge carrying her like that. "Kakashi what are you doing?" Rin asked.

"You're low on chakra I don't want you to overdo it." Kakashi said looking down at with a bit of concern in his eyes for her.

Rin picked up on the concern in his eyes and smiled to herself happy that Kakashi cared so much about her. Rin snuggled closer to Kakashi and enjoyed the rest of the journey back to the Hidden Leaf.

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