Chapter 38

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Neji and Tenten took cover behind some rocks. "There's too many of them." Neji said as he looked over the rocks at a group of about 30 enemy shinobi.

When Guy and his team had arrived to the land of the waves, they spent a couple of days performing reconnaissance. They went to the castle to complete their mission, but were ambushed by a large group of shinobi.

Tenten and Neji had been separated from Guy and Lee about two days ago. They had been on the run from the enemy shinobi for the past two days.

Neji quickly took cover behind the rocks again as a large fireball exploded on the other side of the rocks.

"What happened to Lee and Guy - Sensei?" Tenten asked.

"I don't know the last time that I saw them, they were captured and taken inside the castle." Neji said.

"We need to go rescue them." Tenten as explosion went off causing Tenten and Neji to take cover and flinch.

"That's easier said then done." Neji said as another fireball exploded.

"That's a fair point and they're getting closer." Tenten said as she peaked over the rocks to see that the enemy was closing in on them quickly.

"We need an opening, then we can get in there and attack." Neji said analyzing the situation.

"Already way ahead of you." Tenten said producing a dozen kunai with paper bombs.

Neji smiled. "Nice thinking." He said.

Tenten felt herself blush slightly before she used her expert aim to lodge the kunai with the paper bombs right in front of the enemy blowing up the ground behind their feet and producing smoke.

"Ok let's go now!" Neji yelled as he and Tenten jumped out from their cover with the smoke concealing them.

"Byakugan." Neji said activating his most powerful weapon. It allowed him to see through the smoke as he locked onto the enemy's chakra.

"8 trigram 128 palms." Neji said as he made his way through the smoke taking out enemy shinobi.

Tenten easily downed the enemy with kunai as each of them precisely hit their targets.

When the smoke cleared, there were only about 10 shinobi left.

"Fireball jutsu." 5 of the shinobi said as they aimed at Tenten and Neji.

"8 trigrams rotation." Neji said as he spun around deflecting the fireball.

Tenten quickly grabbed the scroll attached to her back and summoned a shield. She crouched behind it keeping the flames off of her.

They couldn't keep the jutsu up and as soon as they did. Neji and Tenten rushed at them. Tenten summoned a pair of katanas, and Neji activated 8 trigrams 128 palms.

Tenten slashed down a pair of shinobi with her katanas and Neji took out 3 of them with his technique.

Neji slightly slipped coming out of his attack due to the low amount of chakra he was on due to using his technique so much.

The 3 remaining shinobi all threw kunai at Tenten, she deflected all of them except one. Her eyes widened in fear as she saw the kunai heading towards her. "Tenten look out!" Neji yelled as he intercepted the last kunai with his own body and collapsed.

"Neji!" Tenten cried out. She had both angry and sad tears running down her face as she looked at the enemy. She let loose a primal cry of rage as she slashed down the remaining enemies before she quickly made her way back over to Neji.

Tenten's heart felt as if it stopped beating as she saw Neji. His jonin vest had been soaked through with blood and his blood was beginning to pool around him. "Oh God." Was all that Tenten could get out as she said it over and over again. She shook herself back to reality snapping out of it.

"Neji are you ok?" Tenten asked as she ran back to her comrade.

Neji tried to answer her, but instead him just coughed up blood. "Don't speak Neji, don't speak." Tenten said her voice faltering, tears threatened to fell from her eyes. Tenten knew she couldn't let them fell as she needed to be strong in this moment for both her and Neji.

Tenten sliced open his jonin vest and shirt to assess the injury. Tenten paled once she saw the wound, it was deeper than she had thought.

"Is it bad?" Neji asked weakly coughing up more blood.

Tenten could only weakly nod. She quickly pulled out a first aid kit and applied pressure to the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

It worked to a degree as the blood was stopped for the most part. "I've got to stitch this wound up to stop any chance of infection, then I can heal him. Hopefully what Rin - Sensei taught me is enough." Tenten thought to herself as she rested her hands right above the wound and emitted a green glow from her hands pouring her chakra into healing the wound.

Tenten was successful as the wound was able to stitch itself back together. Tenten smiled in relief as she sat back to catch her breath.

Neji angled his head to look at her. "Thank you Tenten." He said weakly.

With those words everything went black for Tenten.

"Tenten are you ok?" A voice asked.

The voice sounded so familiar, but Tenten could just darkness as she floated in it.

"Wake up Tenten." The voice said.

Tenten jolted awake to see Rin standing above her looking a bit concerned, but it washed away as she saw Tenten wake up. "It's good to see you're awake." Rin said.

"Where's Neji?" Tenten asked as she wildly looked around for him.

Rin smiled to her student's concern for Neji. "He's over there with Kakashi, he had some medical ninjutsu performed on him. Yours I'm assuming?" Rin asked.

"Yes it was mine." Tenten answered.

"Well good job it saved his life." Rin said.

"Thank you Rin - Sensei." Tenten said happy to hear such praise from her sensei.

"Now we need to figure out a way into that castle." Rin said as she and Tenten looked at the castle in front of them.

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