Chapters Seven

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"I'm basically a tornado with pretty eyes and a heartbeat."            Unknown

Arora POV

I'm mindlessly flipping through some financial magazines while waiting for Mr. Arrow to come in when the door opens and in walks a handsome man dressed in a black suit, blue shirt, and black tie. He makes his way to the office.

Clearly, Mr. Green Arrow has a meeting, and I'm not going to sit here and wait for it to be over. This afternoon, I have patients coming to see me. So I stood up and marched to the receptionist's desk, demanding to see Mr. Queen and was told that I would have to wait.

If she thinks I'm going to sit there all afternoon waiting to see that idiot, she's in for a surprise.

I marched up to his door, knocked, and waited a minute for an answer, but there was no response, so I knocked again. Then he speaks in a deep, penetrating voice. "Who is he?"

"My name is Isla Morgan, Mr. Aaron."

"Isla Morgan," he says. He clearly repeated my name.

I knocked on the door again, this time more angrily, when he didn't say anything else. "I've been looking forward to seeing you. But you're apparently whacking off in there or something, and I saw that man walk in, and I have no intention of waiting over an hour to see you. I believe I have what you're looking for."

His voice came back on. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. And I won't give it to you unless you open the door."

"Permit me to ask you a question, Ms. Morgan."


"What you claim I'm looking for. Is it a treatment for the Covid-19 virus?"


"Then you're mistaken. Nothing you could possibly have that I'm looking for would make opening that door and dealing with you worthwhile. Please leave this floor immediately, or I will have security escort you out."

What the hell happened? I know I could be ruthless and heartless, but if I were in his shoes, I would have come out and seen who was at my door. He was so sweet the night before, and now he's a fucking asshole. I wasn't going to put up with this any longer. I didn't want anything to do with him from now on. I can't believe I was attracted to such an ignorant asshole.

I made the decision to leave his stupid phone and teach him a lesson. And then it occurred to me, a stupid crazy idea, so I grabbed my own phone and decided to leave him with a parting gift.

I asked the receptionist where the restroom was and she directed me there. I took three selfies in the restroom: one of my cleavage with my middle finger in the middle, one of my legs, and one of my rear buttocks. I then entered my phone number into his phone and called myself You're Welcome, Ignorant Ass. I chose not to show my face because I didn't want him to recognize me if we ever made it in the business world.

I sent all three pictures and followed them up with one final text, one I knew would strike a chord with him. Your mother should be ashamed of you, because I would be if I were your mother.

"Make sure he gets his phone back," I said as I handed the phone to the receptionist.

And marched out, straight to the elevator. I'm relieved to be alone inside the elevator. I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply. I can't believe I did that, but he was being a jerk, so I don't blame myself.

Then I realized something: he had no idea where he had dropped his phone. That is, I was a girl he flirted with at a ball. Instead of drooping over him, I'm glad I found out what he's like. I can finally get him out of my head and get back to work. Speaking of work, I'm going to be late because of that jerk. Even if you try to do something nice for someone, you will end up paying.

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