Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I am the angel, I am the devil, I am sometimes in between. I am as bad as it can get, and as good as it can be. Sometimes I'm a million colors. Sometimes I'm black and white. I am all extreme. Try to figure me out and you never can. There's so many things I am." Unknown

Arora POV

Waking up in Aaron's arms is something I can get used to. Last night was pretty amazing, we went a couple of rounds. What makes him even more amazing than the fucking hot sex is he made me breakfast in bed. After breakfast, we went for another round in the shower and then in bed. I don't even care if it's raining outside, being in his arms right now is so perfect.

Then it hit me, Ava and Alex. I should call my brother and ask him to watch them for me, one more day. I don't want this amazing moment with Aaron to end so quickly. My phone rang and made me jump. I slowly free myself from Aaron and get out of bed. I picked up my phone. Speaking of the devil, it's my brother.

David: Hellooo sis, I am so sorry!

Arora: What's wrong?

David: I went to collect Ava and Alex from school but when I got there. The teacher wanted to speak to me about Ava. I sent them to the car, I was just a little distance away and I could see them. Then I saw someone push them in a van. I chased after them, but a pickup truck hit me from behind and I lost them. Arora I am so sorry.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. My poor babies! I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I just left standing there frozen.

Aaron POV

I woke up to Arora's phone ringing. Last night was amazing and there is nothing in the world that can destroy this moment. But then reality hit when I heard her say in a disturbed voice, "what's wrong?". She wasn't moving, it looked like she's in shock. My heart starts beating faster, I am gasping for air, I know something is wrong. I know Arora well enough that she won't react this way. She's as mean and ruthless as me and doesn't let anything affect her. I called her name and there was no response. I knew something was wrong, the panic started chilling down my spine. I got out of bed, when my phone rang. It's an unknown number. My heart starts skipping beats as I hold my phone in my hand. I knew this was the bad news that took apart the most powerful and ruthless woman in the country and I wasn't ready for this call. But I answered. The voice at the other end of line was no other than...

Aaron: Hello

Emily: Hello Aaron, before you hang up on me, listen.

Alex: Help daddy!

Aaron: Alex, are you okay!

He screams, help daddy! Help daddy! And that was all I heard from my son. In the background, I could hear them trying to get Ava to scream help daddy but she refuses, so they hit her. And she cried out in pain. I am going to kill Emily for this.

Aaron: Emily I want to talk to my daughter.

Emily: She doesn't want to speak to you.

Aaron: Please Emily!

Ava: Daddy!

Aaron: Are you okay Ava?

Ava: Yes daddy! 12. 15. 5. 23. daddy.

Aaron: Ava!

Emily: Now that you hear that they are alive, I will call you back in an hour with instructions. Don't call the police or I will send them back to you piece by piece. I have people watching your houses and I know if you call the cops. Oh please tell your woman brother to stop beating my men or I kill them. I call you back, exactly in an hour and my man better be free.

Aaron: Why are you doing this Emily?

Emily: You took away everything from me and you didn't expect to pay.

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