Chapter Ten

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She's a bit wild and reckless, anything but helpless. She might sometimes seem a little bit mean but she's got the biggest heart you've ever seen." Unknown

Arora POV

The first rays of sunlight lit up my room, and I was awoken to the sun shining on my face. As I lay there in bed, not wanting to get up. Today is my date with that idiot Aaron Queen. Maybe I can use him to get information about his boss's plan in getting Johnson. But as soon as the idea popped into my head, that's how quickly it popped out. Arora Valentine doesn't win like that. I play fair.

So I decided to go for a run and then take a long bath before my date with Aaron.

I'm in my red Chevrolet Corvette driving to the beach to meet that idiot Aaron, just wishing to drive through a black hole to disappear from him. My God, how that guy can irritate the hell out of me. I wonder how much more AA could irritate me, I beat more. At first I thought Aaron was AA until I went to his office to drop his phone and saw his name written on his office door. A. Queen. I am coming up close to the beach.

Since I can't seem to beat at his own game, then I distract him. And that is exactly what I am going to do. I work a brown short dress that shows way more than it should. Operation distracts and wins.

 Operation distracts and wins

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Aaron POV

Oh fuck! This woman knows exactly how to drive a man crazy. I just stared at her as she got out of her Chevrolet Corvette. Not just any Chevrolet corvette convertible but a 2021 make, which only been out a few weeks now. That car is probably a little out of her price range, it's not an expensive car for me, but pretty pricey for some. She works at a non-profit, after all and that car cost over US$60,000. Why on earth am I thinking about a car when she's here?

That dress she has on, leaves very little to imagine, and she's not even wearing panties. It's like my dick came alive when it registered that she wasn't wearing panties.

"Wow! I must say you look incredible! Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked her with a smirk on my face, knowing it will piss her off.

"Thank you! Can you be seduced?" She asked with the same annoying smirk as mine.

"Maybe, maybe not". I told her, but she didn't say anything. I wanted to say nice dress.

"Nice car. Is that the 2021 Chevrolet Corvette?" I asked her.

"Yes. It is." She mumbled.

"Nutritionists must really get paid well, I see."

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked angrily.

" I mean, I saw you at your parking lot with the 2021 BMW x6. And now a Chevrolet Corvette now."

"If you must know I sold the BMW, it didn't really suit me. And it's none of your business what I buy or not. She responded.

"Okay fair enough, but you don't need to be that stuck up about it."

"Excuse me? Am I stuck up? This coming from a fucking perv who ask to see a stranger nudes?." She screamed.

My God! If she wasn't sexy enough already. When she is angry, she is totally a bombshell.

"Yes, you are. If I didn't threaten you that I would follow you around with a music band until you agreed to go out with me, you would never say yes. And sweetheart, you are the one who turned me into a perv" I told her.

But from the look of her face, she seems to be more angry. It's like I finally hit a nerve. Way to go. This is supposed to be a date where I make her want to go out with me again. And here I am ruining my chances, by being a big jerk.

"I don't date." She told me.

"Why not?" I asked her.

She went silent and I didn't want to push her any further. Since I am the one being a jackass on our date. I found a spot and spread a blanket on the sand. She took her sarong and wrapped it around her waist. And sit on the blanket. She still remains quiet. I spread another blanket and put out the food.

"Look Isla, I am really sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did." I said honestly.

"I know men would call me "hard to get", stuck up, stubborn or opinionated, and I would just smile at them with the sort of smirk that would make them cringe. Because deep down, whether they admitted it or not, they all knew I was too much for them in every way. I know you probably already heard from people I am too uptight and I believe I am all that. The truth is I am not perfect and I don't try to be. And I try to be the best me that I can. So when I reject a man, they try to make themselves feel better by labeling me or calling me names." She said looking out to the ocean.

I just sat there beside her, not wanting to say anything since she's open up to me. I just squeezed her hand, and held it, letting her know I am right here for her.

She stopped speaking, just taking deep breaths and breathing, looking into the ocean. And I could see in her eyes she is as broken as I am.

"I was raped when I was young. I just finished high school and I couldn't afford college. So when I saw an ad in the paper for a reception job for an American office in my home country. I was all excited. I applied and I got the job. I should have noticed the red flags but I was young and was excited that I have a job so I could pay for college." She said,

The expression on her face changed. It turned cold. And I knew that it hunts her still. I want to hunt that bastard down and kill him like the animal he is, for hurting my Angel.

"He would always stare at my boobs for a long period and it made me uncomfortable. One day I had to work late and that was when he made his move on me. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me on his desk. He loosened his tie and tied my hands and ripped my clothes and well I guess you know what he did." She said with tears in her eyes.

"I am so sorry!" I told her, hugged.

"The police in my country didn't do anything about my case. They didn't even file my report. They turned everything around against me, saying I throw myself at him and when he refused me I cry rape. I know you must be thinking why I didn't go into law. I don't have faith in the law system." She said,

"My best friend was there by my side. He was the only one that knew. I fell for him but his parents never liked me. I know they could never expect me. And I knew he felt something for me but never realized it so I kept quiet and he got married. Then some time later I met another guy. Chris made me happy and we were supposed to get married but he died on the day of our wedding. A few years later I met another guy and let my walls down but he left me for someone else." She said,

She had built high walls, forged from rape, heartbreak and even higher standards, built from the lessons learned by the haunting of a rape and failed relationships.

She made no excuses for who she was or what she wanted- she deserved to be happy on her terms, not settling for whatever the world thought she should accept. And I may not be the perfect man for her but I know I can love her for the rest of my life.

And that's one of the many reasons why her friend, Amy loved her.

She was outspoken, brash and bold and she made no apologies for being true to herself and her needs.

"Isla, I know I can be an asshole, and a perv but from the moment I met you I knew there was something very special about you. Please give me a chance to show you how a real man is supposed to treat a woman. I know you've been hurt and you had a bad past but I will make your future beautiful if you give me the chance." I told her while looking into her eyes.

"I don't know. I don't ever want to be hurt like that ever again." She said,

"I won't sweetheart."

Then I kissed her.

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