Chapter Sixteen

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"You pushed her away when she wanted to stay with you. Though it was very hard for her, she moved on and started new. And now that you crave to be with her but it's too late to call. Taking her for granted, you ruined it all." The mistaken preacher

Aaron POV

I am in front of AV Group of Companies Limited again. The last time I was here, I nearly got thrown out on my ass. Can you imagine that, Aaron Anderson, the billionaire where every door was open to him got thrown out from a building. I had to do this. I had to see Arora, even though I was angry at her. I can't seem to get her out of my head. It's like she possessed all of my thoughts.

Receptionist: Good Morning Sir! How can I help you?

Aaron: I am here to see Ms. Arora Valentine?

Receptionist: Sorry Sir, Ms. Valentine isn't here.

Aaron: Do you know when she will be back?

Receptionist; Sorry Sir but Ms. Valentine is longer in New York and I don't know if she will be back or when.

Aaron: Thank you!

I can't believe she left New York. Where could it be? Amy must know but of course I can't just go to Amy's workplace, she would never agree to see me. And I need to know where the hell is Arora. Oh wait, let me try her phone. "The number you dialed no longer exists." What the fucking hell? She changed her phone number. How could she do that to me?

I need to see Ace and have him go with me to talk to Amy. I raced to my office. At the office I told Leach to get Ace in my office right now. I don't care if he's in a meeting. Get him in here right now. A few moments later.

"Aaron, you won't believe it."

"Believe what Ace?"

"AV pulled out from Johnson."

"Arora pulled out?"

"Yes. She left a letter for you. Here is it."

I quickly grabbed the letter out of Ace's hands, not allowing him to hand it to me. I wanted to know what the letter said. I opened it and read it.

Dear Aaron,

I know your birthday is a few weeks away, so consider this an early birthday present. You can have Johnson. I am pulling out, I don't need Johnson.

I know I lied about my name, but I always did that. No one knew I was Arora Valentine. I really didn't know who you were. And I only found out that day when you were in my conference room.

Anyway I am sorry for not telling you who I am and for that I am deeply sorry. I tried calling you but you never answered your phone. I even went to your company and I was thrown out. I guess you don't want anything to do with me anymore and so I am leaving for good.

I love you so much and this is the hardest thing I have to do, pack up and leave you behind. But I love you so much, so I am honoring your wishes. You will never have to see my face again. You will never bump into me or anything like that because I am leaving this country for good.

I hope you have what you are looking for. I hope you find the woman that will make you happy.

I wish you a long and happy life ahead.

Goodbye Aaron.

Love, Arora.

"Aaron, What happened?"

"Ace, she fucking left me. What am I going to do."

"Look Aaron I know you don't want to hear this right now. But you will find someone else. You guys just had one date. It isn't the end of the world."

"Ace, it only took one date. I fucking love that woman. She is my everything."

"Wait, you love her?"

Yes I do. I love her to the moon and back. But now she is gone and Its all my fucking fault."

"Don't worry, we are going to find her. Let's go ask Amy."

On the drive to Amy, it was quiet. I couldn't believe she left me. All I felt was broken. When Emily had left me for another I didn't feel this way. It's like Arora took my heart away and all that is left a heartless man. I need to find her. I don't care about my revenge on Oliver. I just needed to get my Arora back. I can't live without her.

We reached Amy's work and I didn't even wait for Ace. I just march in there like I own the place and ask where Amy is. When one of the nurses pointed me in Amy's direction, I didn't pay attention to Ace who was calling for me from behind.

"Where is she, Arora?"

"Who are you talking about Aaron?"

"Don't play games with me Amy. I am not in the mood for games. Where the hell is Arora?"

"How should I know, Aaron?'

"Because you're her best friend."

"Yes I am her best friend, and you are my best friend too. So she didn't tell me where she was going when she came to tell me goodbye."

"Amy, if you know where she is, please tell me. I need to find her."

"Why Aaron? Why do you need to find her so bad?"

"Because I fucking love that woman."

"You love her? Oh right?"

"Look Amy, I fucking love her to death."

"You love her right? And look how you treated her, Aaron. All she been trying to do for the past fucking 8 weeks was apologize to you. Did you give her the time to do so? No!"

"That's right Aaron, you didn't. Yes She lied about her name. So what? As far as I am concerned you lied about your name too. Everything else She told you about herself is true. Aaron, All that woman wanted was to love you. All she wanted was to be by your side for the rest of your life. All she wanted was to be loved by you. But did you give her a chance? No, you didn't. You just decided to push her away in spite of her best efforts. Didn't you know, just how good you had it with her? Did you not realize how lucky you were to have a woman like her? Were you not aware of how amazing a woman she was? She is the type of woman who is a once in a lifetime woman. If you have taken her calls, or seen her when she went to see you. She would still be here, trying to love you with all of her heart because it's the only way she knows how to love. If you had not taken her for granted, if you had given her a chance to explain, she would be showering you with all of the love and kindness that she could give. But you didn't give her a chance and now she's gone forever."

"Amy I know I mess up, and I know it's all my fault and for that I am sorry."

"Aaron, didn't you know she is the kind of woman who only ever really comes around just once in a lifetime. She's the kind of woman who truly is one of a kind. Didn't you know that Aaron?"

"I realized it a little too late."

"When did you? When, she say goodbye?"


I begin my search, looking for Amy.

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