Chapter Twenty-Four

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"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." Socrates


My teacher asked uncle David to have a word with him about me. She had it coming for what I told her and uncle David will see it too. I was just pointing out that she was wrong. Miss Lilly didn't like it very much.

"You in trouble Ava."

"Whatever Alex. You know she's wrong. And I will never apologize until I am wrong."

Suddenly, out of no way, a man in black clothes appears and grabs Alex. I jumped on his back and hit his head, yelling for uncle David. But another man appeared and put us in a van and drove off.

They took us to an abandoned movie theater. There, a woman who seemed to be in charge was upset for some reason. Why did she take us? Maybe she knows that my mom and dad are rich and wanted money.

Alex: Why didn't Ava run?

Ava: I couldn't let them take you Alex.

Alex: I am your brother Ava, I suppose to protect you.

Ava: I am older, which means I have to protect you.

Alex: Only by two minutes.

Emily: Enough the two of you.

Ava: What do you want?

Emily: I see you a bitch just like my mom.

Alex: My mom and sister are no bitch. You are the one acting like a bitch here.

Emily slapped my brother and I jumped on her and pulled on her hair.

Emily: Can someone get her off me, and then, tie them up.

After they tied us up Emily slapped me on my face. All I know is I have to give dad a message to find us.

Ava: You will never get away with this.

Alex: Our parents are going to make sure you go to jail.

Emily: Your parents destroy my life and it's about time they paid.

How am I going to give dad a message on how to find us? If I tell him where we are, that witch is going to move us. Would dad be able to figure out a number code? I better think of an easy one for him to decode. The witch called my dad and had us talk to him. I give dad the first part of the code. And I really hope he figured it out. Mom always tells me I am like my dad. Let's see how alike we are.

I overheard them saying they were going to kill us after dad gave them the money. I became very scared. I don't know what to do.

"Ava, why did you tell dad that number?"

I looked around the room to ensure no one was around to overhead us. I need Alex to help me tell dad one part of the code numbers as it would be too long for me to remember.

"Alex, it's a code to tell dad where we are. I need you to tell him one set of numbers when you talk to him. And I am going to tell him another set."

"What if we get caught Ava?"

"It's a risk we must take. I overheard them saying they were going to ask dad for money and then kill us."

"Don't worry, it's going to be okay Ava, daddy isn't going to let that happen."

I shared the code with Alex and waited for Emily to make the next call to dad. She told us if we say more than we should that she will kill you. She made a call to my dad asking for 200 millions in 4 hours. Then she gives Alex the phone to talk to dad.

Aaron: Are you okay Alex?

Alex: Yes daddy! 3. 1. 14. 1. 12

Aaron: I won't let anything happen to you.

Emily: Now! Now! Aaron, you shouldn't make promises you can't keep.

Aaron: You're going to get the money! Let me speak to my daughter.

Emily: No funny business.

Ava: Hello daddy! I am fine. 20. 8. 5. 1. 20. 5. 18.

Aaron: Sweetheart it is good to hear that you are okay. Stay put

Emily: Now that you have heard for yourself that your kids are alive. You get four hours to get my money or be expecting your kids in pieces.

Emily slapped my brother and asked what those numbers were about. Alex told her it's to make sure I am safe and not hurt. She seems angry about it. I just hope daddy is able to figure out the codes and find us before Emily realized those numbers are our location


Emily isn't going to get away with this. I begin to decode the numbers. 3- C, 1- A, 14-N, 1 A, 12- L. Canal. 20-T, 8-H, 5-E, 1- A, 20-T, 5-E, 18-R. Theater. Loew Canal Theater. She's keeping my kids there. I quickly called David and told him the location.

David and the cops are going to go to Loew's Canal Theater while I go to drop the money at the drop point to rescue the kids. Now I am waiting for Emily to call for the drop out point. When she called, I informed David and headed out for Central Park.

"I see for once you follow orders and come all alone."

"Why are you doing this Emily?"

"You destroy my life. First you ran Johnson in bankruptcy and then you destroyed my new husband's career."

"Here's your money and give me my kids."

"I will call you in an hour and give you the location."

"That's not the arrangement we made Emily."

"Since I hold all the cards, it's my game."

Then my phone rang and I took it. It was David, he had found Alex and Ava. And they are safe. Time to tell this bitch to get lost.

"Who was that Aaron?"

"You shouldn't worry about who it was. Emily, the only card you hold is the joker one. Do you really think I am going to give you all of that cash."

She quickly checked her bags and was really angry.

"Aaron, you bastard! I hope you enjoyed the last words with your kids because they will be dead."

"Loew's Canal Theater?" You keep them there, aren't you Emily. David already has my daughter and son.

Emily got really angry and pulled a gun and pointed it at me. When the gun goes off, this is it. I didn't get to see Ava and Alex for one last time. All the memories of Arora flowed through my mind. I was waiting for death to come. But I didn't feel anything. Then I saw Arora behind Emily holding a gun. Arora had shouted at Emily. Emily fell down to the ground. And Arora ran towards me and jumped in my arms. Her lips crashed on mine and we locked lips for a while.

"I thought I told you to wait for me at home."

" I couldn't just sit at home and wait for you to get killed. I already lost you once."

"I love you Arora Valentine!"

"I love you Aaron Anderson!"

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