Chapter Eighteen

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"Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you." Jon Bon Jovi

Arora POV

"Arora Valentine!'

I didn't need to look up to see who it was. I know that voice. Even though it's been eight years. I knew it was him, Aaron Anderson. I didn't want to look up, this was the guy that broke my heart to a billion pieces. Even though Ava and Alexander helped repair part of my broken heart. I was never fully healed.

I only came back to New York because I needed to sign some documents or I would have never been here. And I decided to go see Amy. I told her that I was only going to meet her if she didn't tell Aaron and she promised. And now I am here face to face with the man who didn't give me a chance to explain anything to him. He just tossed me away like trash.

"Ava, how many times do I have to tell you not to talk to strangers?"

"But mommy, he isn't..."

"Ava Maria Morgan, don't you talk back to me."

"Arora Valentine!"

"Are you okay sir?"

"Arora don't play that crap with me. I know you know me. Can we talk?"

Ava: Mommy this is uncle A and that's uncle Ace.

Arora: How do you know these men sweetheart?

Ava: We met them today. Uncle Ace is Uncle David's friend and Uncle A is Uncle Ace's friend.

Arora: Ace, can you watch Ava and Alexander for me while I talk with Aaron for a few moments.

Ace: Take your time.

Aaron: Are they mine?

Arora: Nope.

Aaron: Don't lie to Arora. Alexander resembles me, you can't deny that.

Arora: He's not yours. They're six years old. And Alexander doesn't look like you. He resembles his father.

Aaron: Where have you been Arora? I've been looking for you everywhere. But I guess you moved on.

Arora: What did you expect? I tried talking to you but you pushed me away.

Aaron: I am so sorry. Please give me one more chance.

Arora: Aaron, let's get a few things straight shall we. If you are not sure about me or know how you feel about me, then sweetheart, I am not the gal for you. Because I don't do anything halfway and I play for keeps. Forever isn't some fancy word in some vague fairy tales. It's what I am holding out for. And quite frankly it's what I deserve and I am not going to settle for less. I ain't waiting for some Prince Charming to come rescue me and take me to his castle. A matter of fact I have my own fucking castle. What I want is my forever love. And that's not you. You tossed me away to the side like trash.

Aaron: I am so sorry. I tried to find you. I really did. When I realized I was a jackass it was too late. Arora, you have always been the one for me. I love you. Please Arora give me a chance to right my wrongs?

Arora: Sorry Aaron but I have to go. Ava and Alexander, it's time to go.

Ava: Oh mommy, please could I go get ice cream with uncle A and uncle Ace?

Alexander: Can I please mommy?

Arora: No. Now let's go!

I couldn't believe after all these years I met him again. I never wanted to see his face again. I remember that morning in my office when his ex showed up. And told me Aaron wanted to buy Johnson because he wanted to give her it as a present of his love to her. He wanted to win her back from Oliver Johnson. So with the rage, I pulled out from Johnson and forgot about my revenge on Oliver. I have to leave. I had to get away from Aaron.

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