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*flashback Niall and Bella are 14*

"I DON'T TRUST YOU! What have you done?"

My Father's screaming wasn't stoping no matter how much I tried to block it out.

My mothers cries came from the next room, the sound of my father yelling in her face and the occasional slap.
There fight over something stupid like it always was.

This was becoming a nightly occurrence and I couldn't handle it anymore. I had secondary school in the morning, I had a better plan for my life. I didn't want to turn out like my parents.

I got up from my bed. The screams getting louder as my ears become un covered from my pillows. I opened my closet not worrying about being quiet anymore because I knew they couldn't hear me over my fathers screaming.


"D-don't you bring Bella into this. She's your daughter " my mothers quiet voice was barley audible but the fact she was standing up for me brought tears to my eyes.

The sound of my father hand connecting with her face made me fall to the ground in sobs.

"STOP... you're hurting me" my mothers voice strained 

I couldn't take it anymore. I was done. I grabbed my bag that I packed once before. The feeling of wanting to run away was a common thought but I've never been brave enough to do it.

But tonight was the night. I ran past my parents room not looking in as I've seen the image of my mother crying many times and I didn't need it to stop me.

I ran out the door and immediately to the person I knew would save me.

I pounded on the door. Sobbing as the door flew open

"Bella, what the craic? It's one am" Niall stood there in sweats and a jersey, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"S-sorry Niall" my voice hitched between my uncontrollable sobs

"Woah" his eyes went wide realizing my current state "Calm down.. what happens love" he grabbed my hands in his looking me in the eyes trying to get me to settle down

"My... p-parents.... I-"

"Shhh" he hushed pulling me in to him "Let me just wake up my mom she'll go talk to them.."

"No!" I pushed him away "I can't go back there"

"Bella you're parents will worry about you once they realize that you are gone. You can stay here but they need to know where you are"

"They won't worry about me. They won't even know I'm gone. They don't care about me. No one does" I cried more

"I do" Niall said looking straight into my eyes. His young eyes brimming with tears

The atmosphere grew quiet just the sound of my sniffles as we stood in the doorway staring into each others eyes. I calmed down a bit with Niall's touch on my arm.

"Umm... we better get to bed. We have tests in the morning. Mrs. Nolan won't let us off so easy."

"Yeah she's crack down" I laughed wiping my tears

"Come on Bells. Just be quiet I think Greg is still awake. He will give us shit"

*current time*

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