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"BELLA THANK GOD IM DROWNING! TABLE THREE NEEDS REFILS!" Desi screamed as we passed each other with our serving trays

"ON IT!" I called back

There wasn't many customers tonight even though it was our last day open. It was go mostly our regulars who were sad about us closing so stopped by one more night but also the young crowd Niall brought in.

The only reason Desi was drowning was because of the many breaks she took to the restroom.  Coincidentally so did Aidan. We all knew what that meant when they came out with messed up hair and makeup. I just rolled my eyes and took over half of her work on top of mine.  

Niall was preforming his same set in the background. I had it memorized by heart by now. There was only a few songs left. I caught myself many time standing and staring at him. I loved seeing Niall on stage. I'm glad the new space has a stage in the plans as well so we could involve more live music.

"I have a new song for you tonight. If you don't mind. It's called No Judgement. I wrote this about someone really close to me and she needs to hear this tonight more then ever. It's very personal message to me so I hope you like it as well" Niall said from the stage before the familiar cords filled my ears.

I turn around from placing the new drinks on table three to look up at him finding him catching my eyes as he sang even though we were across the pub from each other.

"Barefoot and a bottle of wine
You can stay with me tonight
You don't have to change when I'm around ya
So, go ahead, and say what's on your mind, on your mind"

He sang the song more upbeat then that last time I heard it with just his guitar. The crowd loved every second of it and were dancing along.

"Umm Let me get this out of your way" I said picking up empty liquor glass knocking over one accidentally.

The last time he sang this to me he was admitting his feelings to me. He was kissing me for the first time. With this song he showed me how much he understood my feelings. How much I needed him like I do right now.

"Sorry good thing it was empty right?" I joked to the older customers who thankfully to far gone and laughed as well.

I put on a smile lifting my tray of empty glasses. As I turned around I caught Niall's glance from stage. He was searching for me in the crowd. He found me and locked eyes with me.

"When you're with me, no judgement
You can get that from anyone else
You don't have to prove nothin'
You can just be yourself"

My eyes swell up as I pulled my eyes away from Niall. I need to move from my frozen spot or someone was going to catch on to our locked eyes

I rushed back to the bar with my empty tray distracted by Niall's singing I tripped  over a bar stool.  Sending my tray of empty glasses flying, shattering once they hit the floor.

"Shit" I grumbled quickly grabbing the wet floor sign to keep customers away from the sharp glass as I grabbed the broom from the storeroom

"Bella need a hand?" Connor yelled over Niall's loud sining. I swear he had the speakers turned up extra loud tonight.

"Uh - no sorry... I'm just going to clean this up quick... table five -twelve or something needs two Budweiser refills" I said flustered as I began to sweep up the floor but the music still flooded my ears

"I'll keep your secrets safe
Until the time we both find ourselves alone again, oh"

"Hey" Connor said taking the broom from my shaking hands "I've got this,go take ten. You haven't had a break all night and Desi taken plenty" he smiled patting my back and ushering me to the break room

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