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The rest of the night I avoided everyone. Luckily it was a busy enough night to keep my friends far away from me.

At closing time, I was so happy the night was over. The tension filling the air making me sick. I took on the task of taking out the trash. So I couldn't be bothered by anyone. I gathered all the trash before hauling it out to the dumpster. When I returned inside the lights were off and Aidan and Connor were locking the doors. Niall and Desi standing next to them. I sighed making my way over to them. Niall starring at me. I fidgeted under his gaze.

"Good job tonight Aidan" Desi said breaking the awkward tension

"Thanks ....Desi right?"

"Yeah you can call me that" she smiled totally flirting

"Or you can call her the biggest pain in the ass" Connor joked "that's what I call her"

Desi slapped him on the chest playfully

"You are the real arse" she laughed
Niall for once wasn't laughing at our friend's antics. His eyes only on me. I rolled my eyes walking away and into the break room to grab my stuff. I opened my locker grabbing my jacket.

I needed a place to stay tonight. I couldn't stay with Niall again. I slammed my locker shut exiting the break room. Before my mind took over.

I walked back over to my friends who were waiting by the back door for me. As I pushed by them to exit to the parking lot Connor grabbed my hand. Pulling me aside.

"I'm sorry Bella. I didn't mean to offend you earlier. If I said anything-"

"No no" I waved my hands interrupting Connor. "You did what you thought was right. I'm not mad at you Connor."
He smiled "Can I give you a hug?"

"You don't need to ask" I pulled him into a hug

"I'm sorry this happened to you. If you need anything just let me know. I'm here for you. I may not look very tough but I will beat his ass if you want me too"

I laughed "thank you" I pulled from his embrace wiping a tear that fell from my eye.

We exited into the parking lot. Aidan and Desi stood by his sports car still flirting. Niall stood by his car I assume waiting for me. I walked over to Desi and Aidan.

"Hey I'm glad you guys are still here. Would one of you be able to give me a ride?"

I could hear Niall sigh from the next parking spot.

"Yeah of course" Aidan said "Hop in!"
I smiled walking to the passenger side. I looked up at Niall yanking his door open in anger. A "Fuck" escaping his mouth in a low mumble. I climbed into the passenger seat watching Desi and Aidan exchange numbers. But Niall taking there attention as he slammed his door shut and sped off. Aidan and Desi returned to each other talking about Niall I'm sure. Desi then whispered something in Aidans ear before she walked to her car waving goodbye.  Aidan climbed into the drivers seat. Starting up the car before turning to me.

"Hi" he laughed

"Hey" I giggled "I'm sorry I swear I'm not this drama inducing normally"

"You're fine. Where am I taking you?" He pulled onto the highway

"Oh 654 Gateway Avenue " My moms house. I decided this would be best. I knew I was always welcome and could really use my mother's company at the moment.

"So how long have you been working at The Mist?" Aidan asked trying to start conversation

"I think 8 ish years"

"No way really?"

" yeah I used to work under Connors granddad. Then when Connor took over he kept me around"

"He's seems like a cool boss"

"Only the coolest" I laughed " We are all pretty easygoing. Don't worry"

He smiled turning onto my moms street.
"It's the second house from the end of the street" I added

"You live by yourself?" Aidan asked
"No this is my mum's house. Sort of couch hopping at the moment"

"Oh I'm sorry" he pulled into the driveway

"No, no it's ok" I smiled turning to see Niall's car next door and my smile immediately faded.

"Niall's your neighbor?" Aidan asked noticing my glance

"Our mother's are neighbors. He-" I paused taking a short breath. My eyes welling with tears. "He's my best friend"

Aidan reached over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want to know what Desi told me?"

"Do I?" I laughed knowing Desi is a flirt

"She told me to keep you safe." He laughed " and well some other stuff but I don't know if you want to hear that"

"She can be a pretty scandalous" I giggled knowing Desi is a perfect mix of affection and flirtation.

"You have good friends Bella, they really care for you"

I smiled. "Thanks Aidan" I reached for the door handle " see you tomorrow at work?"

"Course. Good night Bella"

I snuck into my old bedroom. Knowing it's 4 am and my mom would be sleeping. I wrote a quick note letting her now I was there and stuck it on her door. I knew my mom had to work early and didn't want to wake her.

My room was cluttered with things from my childhood. Stuffed animals, jewelry, drawings, photos and old clothes. One wall of the room was covered in poloraids. Most were from my teenage years. Selfies of me standing in front of my vanity. But one picture caught my attention. A picture of me and Niall. We couldn't be more then 6 years old. I was wearing a little yellow sundress with pigtails. Niall in his Sunday best, a little sweater vest I'm sure Maura picked out. Me trying to kiss Niall on the check and him pulling a disgusted face. The image brought a smile to my face. I peeled it off the wall holding it to my chest.

I walked over to my window. The one that looked straight into Niall's room. The sun was just rising and his light was on. This made his outline perfectly visible through his drapes. He was pacing back and forth. His hand in his hair as I knew he did when frustrated.

I watched him pace back and forth for awhile. Wondering what he was thinking about. Did he regret becoming my friend again? Everything he said to me on our walk last night was that the truth? Did I go to far yelling at him? I told him I didn't need him for the rest of my life. The truth was I needed him more then he knew. I was a mess. The past 9 years were the worst I have been through. I pray he could see I needed him. 

Suddenly he stoped in front of the window. I knew he saw me. I clinched the photo to my chest. Looking up with tear stained eyes.

"Goodnight Niall" I whispered as if he could hear me before shutting my curtains and going to bed.

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