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I woke up exactly where Hudson left me. On the floor, Broken in pieces. I tried standing up but felt lightheaded immediately. I placed a hand on the wall to steady myself. Taking slow steps towards the bedroom. A tear escaping with each step as pain shot through my foot.

I finally made it to the bedroom. Before crumpling to the floor again in pain. I needed out. But who do I even call for help? Whose left that I didn't push away? I reached in my back pocket pulling out my phone. The photo of Niall and I falling to the floor. I looked at it in tears.


It was a sign. I quickly dialed Niall's number by heart. He picked up on the second ring.

"Bella I'm so sorry I shouldn't have-"

"Ni" I cut him off with my teary voice. Badly speaking his name through my tears.

"Bella? Where are you?" I could tell he was worried by the sound of his voice

"At Hudson's" I looked out the window to see Hudson sitting on the back porch. A almost empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. "I need you to come get me Niall" My voice broke. Tears streaming down my face.

"I'm already on my way Bells" I heard the roar of his car in the background signaling he was.

"Hurry please" I cried "Niall I'm scared he will hurt me again"

"I'll be there in no time" Niall comforted "please don't hang up"

"I won't" I tried standing up again. Wincing at the pain but pushing through. "Please don't leave me" I could hear the car door slamming through the phone. Notifying me that he was here. A knock at the bedroom door soon following. Niall pushed the door open rushing over to me.

"Oh my Bella" He rushed over to me taking me in his arms. I leaned against him immediately taking pressure off my foot.

"You're hurt" he whispered running his fingers over the bruises from Hudson's hands. It was probably the first time he was seeing my bruised skin. As I usually cover them up. "Why did you come back here?" He asked looking into my eyes. He cupped my face with his hands.

" I don't know" I sobbed " I thought I could fix it"

"Bella" he sighed "There's nothing to fix. No one should be treated the way you're being treated." He wiped my tears with his thumbs.

He pulled me into a familiar hug. I rested my head on his shoulder. Sobbing more. Niall held me close for a few minutes. Quietly shushing me. Attempting to comfort me. And it was working. I felt my body relax. I felt safe in his arms. I never wanted to leave them. But I wanted to get the hell away from Hudson.

"Can we go" I whispered wiping the final tears from under my eyes
"Yeah let's get you the fuck out of here" he started to pick me up

"Wait" I called
He stopped placing my feet back on the ground. "You can't walk love, look at your foot"

"No .... my picture" I pointed to the photo on the ground before hobbling over to retrieve it. Wincing with every step.

"Don't hurt yourself love , Ive got it" Niall picked it up looking at it. His face softened as soon as his eyes fell on the familiar picture. As if he just remembered the memory of the picture being taken. "Is this us?"
"Yeah" I snatched the photo from his hands "we can go now. I have everything I need "

He looked at me with confusion for a moment before picking me back up . His eyes were the softest shade of blue I've ever seen. I knew he would bring the picture up later but for now I put it back in my pocket.

"Where is he?" He asked as he opened the bedroom door looking for Hudson.
"He's out back" I wrapped my arms tighter around Niall's neck as we made our way through the front door and to his car. He sat me down in the passenger seat.

"Stay here" he said turning to walk to the back yard

"Niall!" I called after him but it was to late he was already through the gate. I sighed debating if I should follow him. I looked down at my bum foot and decided to stay were I was.

Looking up at the trashed home for the last time. The siding that was once bright blue,now a faded dull color. The bushes that were once filling with roses, now dead. Rusty nails holding what was left together. The image represented our relationship perfectly. Once pretty on the outside but was now torn apart.

I was so ready to leave. Leave it all behind. Leave the mess. Leave the memories. And most importantly leave Hudson.

A loud crash coming from the backyard caught my attention. Shit. Adrenaline pumping through my veins.  I ran, or should I say limped quickly, to the backyard. Niall and Hudson standing on the porch. The chair Hudson once sat on crashed on the floor. Neither of them realizing I was standing a few feet behind Hudson.

"You can't take her away from me" Hudson slurred completely hammered stumping towards Niall.

"She's not you're property mate" Niall taking a step closer to get in his face.

"Watch it!" Hudson said through clinched teeth with fist now hanging by his sides. He raised his fist just in time for me to yell.

"Niall watch out" I called

Niall now caught my attention standing behind Hudson. He caught Hudson's fist before throwing it away.

"Bella" he sighed " I told you to stay in the car"

"Baby you're here " Hudson wiped around. Stumbling closer to me.

"Don't call me that" I warned pushing him away

"Comon" Hudson warped his arms around my waist. Making my whimper as I fought him pulling away. But even drunk Hudson was still stronger then me. "Do you like pub boy more then me? Do you let him call you baby?"

Niall pulled him off of me before stepping between us.

"Get your hands off her" Niall  threatened getting in Hudson's face. I cowered into Niall's back. Feeling safe with him in front of me.

"Pub boy to the rescue" Hudson slurred  "One day I'll make sure you'll regret breaking up with me Bella." He took another swig of his whisky before throwing the empty bottle to the ground. Glass shattering everywhere.

"Shut up and listen you asshole" Niall commanded taking Hudson by the collar "You stay away from Bella. Don't ever lay a fucking finger on her again . If you do you won't see the light of day. You hear me?"

"I'm not scared of you bro" Hudson spat in Niall's face.

"You don't have to be scared of me. I'm not an arrogant asshole who gets off on others pain" Niall warned before letting go of his collar, throwing him away. Niall turned to me shaking his head "Whatever, we are leaving"

"Just do me a favor, fuck her real good" Hudson called with a chuckle. Niall's facial expression growing with anger. His body tensing with rage.

Niall turned around quickly throwing a punch knocking Hudson to the ground. Luckily Hudson was to drunk to get back up or Niall would have a punch thrown back at him. "Don't you ever talk about her like that again" Niall warned standing over him as he struggled to get back up

"Niall it's not worth it " I grabbed his forearm pulling him away from Hudson before one of them killed each other. "Let's go"

He turned to me nodding before wrapping an arm around me. We walked towards the car Hudson stumbling after us yelling profanities. Once placing me in the passenger seat once again. Niall got in,speeding away.

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