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I woke up to my phone alarm. It was 10 o'clock and I planned on meeting Desi at 11, like normal. I pulled myself up off the couch where I ended up last night. I couldn't bring myself to sleep in the same bed as Hudson.

I made my way quietly to the bathroom to get ready. I really didn't want to wake Hudson. As it was a Saturday meaning it was a game day and he needed "all the rest he could get."

I caught my reflection in the mirror. I looked terrible. My neck had blue and purple bruising were his hands were, I had dark circles under my eyes from worrying, and my wrist had a definite hand mark.

I sighed and decided to work my magic with makeup. That covered my face but as for my bruises good thing it was fall as I would be wearing a turtleneck. I snuck into our room to grab my outfit and back to the bathroom to change. When I was finished I opened the door to be greeted by Hudson.

"Morning Babe" he kissed me as of nothing happened last night. I knew we wouldn't talk about it.

"Morning" I hesitated

"Games at 5, You going to be there?"

"Yeah I'll make it"

"Great! see you then" He kissed me one more time then walked past me into the bathroom.

His mood was a total 360 from last night. As usual. He ignored last night and went on with his day. Something I should learn to do as well.

"You've got to be kidding me, THE NIALL HORAN" Desi almost choked on her Starbucks when I told her about Niall yesterday.

"Shhhh" I hushed her " yes I'm not sure what to do. I'm not going to let him back into my life, he ignored me when I needed him most. Does he even want me as a friend? Does he care
about our friendship as much as I do?"

"Sounds like you need to let your guard down and have a conversation with him. I mean he's the same old Niall right?"

"I don't know, they say fame can change a person"

"Bella, what has he done since he came back...."
she looked at me waiting for an answer. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"He helped you clean up your cookies, Helped your mother, and most importantly saved you from falling to your death right?" She finished

" yeah I guess you can say that"

" so he's a nice man just like the nice boy you knew before and told me all the stories about" she continued acting like it's common sense.

"Ok,ok I'll text him when I'm finished with my coffee"

" uh uh uh" she waved her finger

" ok I mean now" I said as we both giggled

I pulled out my phone and saw the video he sent me last night. I pushed the memories out of my head and started a new text.

Hey Niall, I know I was distant last night and ...

"I cant do this!" I exclaimed hitting my head on the table. I'm sure this gained a few stares from people trying to have a quiet environment.
Desi sighed "here give me the phone, I'll do it"

we need to talk. 4 o'clock my place she added

"See how hard was that!"

I just sighed.

"Bella you can do this" 

My phone charmed

Of course love. Send me the address

3:30 rolled around faster then I thought. I was sitting in my apartment staring at the wall waiting for Niall to arrive. My head swirled with possibly, maybe he doesn't want to be my friend anymore, maybe I'm not worth it.

" No Bella you idiot!" Desiree's voice rang in my head. I tried to remember our conversation earlier. There has to be a good reason right?
My thoughts were broken by Hudson stumbling through the door.

"Babe" he drunkly slurred as he feel on the couch next to me

"Hi hun.." his head feel in my lap " don't you have a game today"

" No... my fuckingggg coach put Gunner as first run and putttt me on the bench" he slurred

"Oh... so you?"

" I TOOK THE RUGBY STICK AND TOLD HIM TO STICK IT UP.." he sprung off the couch

" ok I get it... no need to repeat"

" I mean he wouldn't know talent if it hit him in the ass!"

" ok babe, calm down I'll call your coach tomorrow and explain everything" I said standing up and rubbing his forearms.

"DONT YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" He slapped my arms away stumbling back.
"And I don't need your fucking help! What I need is a fucking drink" he drunkly stumbled to the kitchen

Leaving me rubbing my forehead contemplating how I was going to handle this situation. He needed to calm down right now and get some rest. Tomorrow I would work everything out.

Hudson walked back out to the living room with a bottle of whiskey. He sat on the couch and staring gulping down the straight liquor.

"Ok babe let's slow down" I reached for the bottle. I know he would drink the whole bottom and end up a mess.

"No" he quickly grabbed my hand. Gripping my bruise to tightly sending me curled over.

"Ouch, Hudson your hurting me"

He looked my dead in the eyes "Someday you'll know exactly what hurt is" He pushed me away

Hudson wasn't a nice drunk. He was definitely a mean drunk and he enjoyed his alcohol. I grabbed my shoes and coat.

"Where you going?"

" I'm meeting up with a friend"


"N-niall" I braced myself for a response but there was none. I looked over on the couch to see Hudson passed out. I took a sigh of relief. I took the liquor bottle out of his hands and draining it down the sink. I grabbed a blanket covered him up. I placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm sorry" I whispered into his skin

I sighed and walked outside pulling out my phone. I dialed Niall's number. He answered on the second ring.

"Hey Bells almost there"

" actually can we change plans, Hudson's still not feeling well would you mind going somewhere else?"

"Of course Bell, I'll just pick you up I'm almost there. See you soon love"

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