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"I told you to stay away from pub boy" Hudson voice ringing throughout his house. "And then I caught you in the kitchen starting into his fucking eyes!" He slammed the fridge door shut pulling out a beer bottle.

"We were just talking Hudson!" I fought back the vodka still in my blood stream or I wouldn't be. Alcohol gave me confidence. "You don't control who I talk to"

"The fuck I don't!" He spat at me. "I need to know who you are talking to and what you are doing at all times" He took a step towards me "and pub boy is off that list" I looked into his dark eyes. My anger growing as he got in my face.

"Why he's nicer to me then you are"

"How foolish can you be?" He took a swig if his beer " he's nice to you because he cant see the pathetic mess you've become, look at yourself"

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I looked down through my tears at the ring on my finger. Remembering his promise, that he made to me.

"Does this mean anything to you?" I forced my hand in his face "Remember when you said you loved me, that you would never hurt me again!" It was my turn to spit in his face. "You're shit at keeping your promises!"

The beer bottle flew from his hand shattering on the floor as he took big strides to close the space between us. "You think this is hurting you" he hissed through gritted teeth. "I'm fucking show you pain"

His fist made contact with my jaw. And then my eye,shoulder,stomach. He kept throwing many punches at me. Over and over again. I tasted the blood in my mouth. Throwing a few punches back at him but they didn't effect him. His grabbed me and shook me.

"You're mine don't you ever forget that" His griped loosened and I fell to the floor.

"Hudson" I cried now on the floor cowering away "I'm sorry I disobeyed you"

The last thing I saw was Hudson hovering over me with his fist drawn again. Then it all went black.

I woke up in a mess of glass. Hudson's beer bottle shattered around me. Trying to be careful I stood up on my shaky legs. The room was spinning. I grabbed the couch to support myself. Before leaning into and crying.
I hated this feeling. I was so stupid for not listening to Hudson in the first place. This was all my fault.

A sharp pain developing in my ribs as I cry harder. I looked down at my sides covered in fresh bruises. How was I going to hide this? I slowly made my way over to the bathroom. My reflection in the mirror caught my attention. Who was this girl? Tears staining my checks. My black eye now healing. A faint yellow ring forming around my eye. Only to be replaced by new bruises across my body. I tried to remember the last time I was happy. The last time I smiled. The last time I genuinely laughed. But couldn't put my mind to it.

I grabbed a wet washcloth running it under hot water before placing it on my bruised ribs. Wincing at the pain. My breathing almost stoped as I doubled over in pain. Tears brimming my eyes again. Fuck it hurt. My head begin spinning. I slid down to the floor pulling my knees to my chest.

"Babe?" A very drunk Hudson entered the room crouching in front of me. "D-did I do that" he pulled the washcloth away from my side. Placing his hand on my bruised rib.

"Hudson" I groaned. "Please leave my alone"

"N-no" he pressed his hands to my cheeks pulling me in for a kiss "I'm sorry" he slurred against my lips.

"Don't" I pushed him away slightly "Not tonight please" He tasted of pure alcohol. I knew this wasn't good for either of us.

"Ok" he pulled away. I wasn't expecting him to obey and stop so quickly

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