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"Let's go!" Desi reaches over honking the horn waiting in Niall's driveway in an Uber. We better hurry or we'll have to get a new driver as Desi will piss then one off.

"Jesus Christ Desi we're coming" Niall called locking the front door and rushing to the car.

As promised Desi was picking us up for Connors party. Of course she ordered an Uber because we all know how Connor's parties end up.

"You are the one that's always late Desi" Niall teases her climbing the back seat next to me. "Bout time you get a taste of your own medicine"

"Fuck off" she retrouted "It takes time to look this sexy"

She motioned to her self. She was wearing a lingerie bodysuit with a tight black skirt over and long thigh high boots. Her curls tied half up in a bun. Myself on the other hand was wearing nothing out of the ordinary. An all black outfit from my band tee,shorts, and down to my boots. My hair in my normal everyday messy ponytail. Her choice in outfit making me rethink my own.

"I'm sure it does Desi" laughed Niall as Desi rolled her eyes. "I would know"

This poor Uber driver having to put up with there banter. As I sat quietly. My nerves getting the best of me.

"Do you know what this is all about tonight?" I asked breaking there laughter fit "I mean are you sure Connor is ok with me being invited"

"Bella" Desi turned around from the front seat to look at me "I told you he just forget. He would forget his head if it wasn't attached. You know he loves you. He wants you there."

" thanks Desi" I sighed at Desi still not sure "Maybe he did forget" I mumbled looking over at Niall who was staring at me. He placed a hand on my knee knowing exactly how I felt.

"We want you there" he said

"Absolutely" Desi added "Who am I going to do shots with otherwise?"

"And who am I going to take the piss out of all night?"

I laughed "ok ok" Brushing them off

"Besides he says he has a surprise"

Desi added turning back around to give the Uber driver directions

"A surprise?" I raised an eyebrow at Niall "You know about this?"

He shook his head no as we pulled up to Connors.

"Connor!" Desi screamed latching on to him the moment she stepped through the door.  

"Desi you have zero beers in ya and you're still clingy" Connor said playfully pushing her off him. Desi leaving to find Aidan who was already somewhere.

"Hey bud" Niall greeted Connor giving him a hug. "Where's those beers you speak of?"

Connor laughed pointing him towards the kitchen.

Now leaving me alone. As I couldn't hide behind Niall's tall figure anymore I stood in front of Connor awkwardly shifting.

"Hey Connor" I timidly smiled

"Oh hey Bella I didn't know you were coming?" He looked a mix of surprised and confused. I felt my stomach twist into a knot.

"I-I can leave if you you don't want me here. I'm sure the Uber guy isn't to far away" I stuttered trying to come up with my get away.

"No Bella" he put his hands in front of him waving them back and forth. His face softening giving off that I got the wrong impression. "I just didn't know if you were ready for this kind of thing"

"Oh" I sighed running my hand through my hair. He was just looking out for me. I felt terrible. Judging his feelings without talking to him. "I thought you didn't want me here"

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